Liber Nine
The Book of Meditations

Parallel Figure


i.] What is thy name child?
1] My name is one that must not be spoken aloud until that appointed time.

ii.] Then by what name shall I call thee?
2] Thou mayest call me Alhqeia.{Greek: Alhqeia - Truth}

iii.] Who art thou?
3] I am that one great abomination, that precious {Shibanah: Seven}. I am the one that was and shall be again.

iv.] Art thou a man?
4] No.

v.] Art thou not a God then?
5] No.

vi.] Then from whence did thou comest?
6] I am sent by my Father who sits in the counsel of the Gods. My purpose is to take the form of a man that I may learn of their ways and fall as they have fallen so that I may learn of the path that leads back unto my Fathers house. I am to write all that I have witnessed and all that I have learned, so that the sons of man may take that same path and be saved.

vii.] Are they willing to learn?
7] No.

viii.] Art thou not wasting thy time?
8] I came here many times before to speak to them, to teach them, but they listen not to what I say; they hear only what they want to hear. Now, once again I have come to teach them what I have taught them before, in hope that this time they will understand.

ix.] Dost thou think they will understand?
9] No.

x.] If they do not understand, what then?
10] Then I will come again one last time, only this time I will not come to save, but to destroy. Surely, this will be a sorrowful day for the sons of man, for I shall return with my Father and all of heaven and hell. We shall smash this world into nothing. Neither man nor beast, neither fowl of the air nor the fish in the sea shall survive. All will perish.

xi.] What dost thou think of this world?
11] I feel it is a hopeless case. The sons of man are as the beast of the field, untamed and barbarous. They are without the ability of true understanding. Their ways will surely cause them to perish.

xii.] Hast thou partaken of this world?
12] Yes.

xiii.] Hast thou ever lied?
13] Yes.

xiv.] Hast thou ever taken the life of another?
14] My anger is a prayer of destruction. My hatred is the wind that carries it unto the dwelling of my Guardian; I do nothing to stop it. From that thou must receive thy answer.

xv.] If thou wouldest allow me, may I inquire of thee further?
15] Yes.

xvi.] Hast thou lied with harlots?
16] Yes.

xvii.] How many?
17] I do not know.

xviii.] Didst thou love them?
18] Some.

xix.] How many?
19] I do not know.

xx.] Would thou take any of them again?
20] One.

xxi.] Which one?
21] The harlot of harlots, that one great whore, the destroyer, the creator, that one who hath breathed life into the thing which I was to become, that one who hath destroyed all that I once was.

xxii.] This woman thou speakest of, who is she, thy mother?
22] No.

xxiii.] Thy Goddess?
23] No.

xxiv.] But thou hast named her thy creator.
24] Yes.

xxv.] What meanest thou in saying this?
25] Is it not obvious? The Lord my God sends unto me the worthless, the ignorant, that they may teach me wisdom. He sends unto me the merciless, those destroyers, that they may make me to be strong. Yea, the Lord my God hath a great plan, to make greatness using that which is worthless. Those forlorn ones, my God useth them to make something new, something great. Again and again my God useth the fool to temper me, as one tempers the steel to be used to make a most powerful sword. Yea, these ignorant ones put me to the fire to destroy me, and rather than have mercy on me, they spit upon me and leave me for dead. But I am not weakened. This only maketh me to be seven times stronger. Nai, ebdomhkovtakiV epta.{Greek: Yes, seventy times seven}

xxvi.] And this woman, hath she not been thy God's greatest tool in which to fashion thee into greatness?
26] She is that most worthless thing, that most precious tool. In her desire to destroy me, she broke my wings. And when I could fly no longer, she crushed me beneath her feet. Yea, she cut me down like a tree, that I might not be seen in the eyes of the Gods nor the sons of man. But in doing this, she also caused many seeds to fall with me in my descent. Yea, many great things shall come because of her.

xxvii.] Thou hast said thou would have her again. If thou could, what wouldest thou do?
27] With sweet words would I lure her out into the wilderness, that I might have my way and overcome her and tear her flesh from her bones, as does a wild beast, and pluck out her eyes, as does a vulture, and drag her carcass off into the night that I may defile her in most unspeakable ways. Then when I wast wholly satisfied, I would smash her into dust. Yea, she shall surely see my face again before her death. Neither her flesh nor her spirit will survive. Her's shall be a reminder unto the unjust: {They shall look upon me whom they have pierced.}

xxviii.] If the harlot and these others have caused thee to be great, why dost thou hate them? Why dost thy God allow thee to destroy them?
28] Canst thou not see my masters great plan? Art thou so blinded that thou canst not see something so perfect? The Lord, my God doth not make men to be worthless. He doth not wish for them to be ignorant. But rather than throw out that which is worthless and allow them to wander aimlessly about the earth, he hath fashioned fine tools out of them, to use them to make something great. But when this is complete, these tools must be destroyed. For after that appointed time, they will no longer be of any use, save, to become my prey. For not only must I become strong and wise, but also must I become a powerful warrior, a most stealthy hunter.

xxix.] Art thou not the beast, the one that the sons of man speak of?
29] I am the one who hath been appointed to tell of his identity. My voice is liken unto a great blast of thunder, for the earth shall tremble with what I am about to tell them. And forget not my number, for it is of great importance concerning this equation. If thou hast understanding then listen: I have been sent to tell them that the time hath come. I am to quicken them to ready themselves for what is about to happen. There was one that came before me who told of my coming, but they did not watch for me. Now, this very day am I here among them, and they know it not. Now am I to prepare them for the coming of yet another. My only hope is that I have not caught them sleeping also. This is my warning unto the unjust: before thou hearest that last sounding, prepare thyself and make thy ways to be right. For if thou should wait until that day, by then it will be to late.

xxx.] If thou should catch them aware dost thou think that they will accept thy message?
30] Surely they will scoff at me. They will reject my words as blasphemy; They will also call me a heretic. But lo, not all will reject me. Thou wilt know these to be the just, the pure, the true of heart. Yea, many will follow, but many will fall.

xxxi.] If the sons of man wish to be saved, what must they know?
31] They must know the path that leads unto my Fathers house. But before they can find their way, they must first be reminded of certain knowledge which hath been stolen away from them long ago, by that great whore whom I speak of. This knowledge hath been held as a most precious possession by only the truely wise for 'ons. Here is that knowledge in essence:
Physical pain is the blade that severs the soul from its earthly bondage, so that it may ascend back to the divine.
Spiritual pain is the wind that propels the soul on its journey to the divine.
Mental pain is the great wall that stands between the soul and the divine.

xxxii.] Is there anything further that they should know?
32] Yea, there are many more things which they must know, and those things each in their particular order.

xxxiii.] If the last which thou hath spoken of is the first of these things, what then is the second?
33] They must surely learn the art of EkstasiV {Greek: ecstacy} before any further steps taken towards the house of my Father will be possible.

xxxiv.] And what is this art thou speakest of?
34] Many have argued of what the art of EkstasiV is.
Some have said that it is rest of the body and the mind. Some have said that it is a concentration on some one thing. Some have said that it is a concentration on nothing. All of these things are true, but complete success can not be found by the use of any one of these things alone. Individually each of these methods are useful means to some end, but in order to reach the supreme goal, one must learn the true art of EkstasiV.{Greek: ecstacy}
EkstasiV is and is in this order:
First - Total rest and stillness of the body and mind.
Second - The perfect and unwavering concentration on the universal perception of the All, until the ultimate, total, and complete annihilation of that perception occurs.
Third - The perfect and unwavering concentration on what is [not] left.
The fourth stage is rare indeed for any to reach, and rightly so, no description should be given of this stage, nor should any instruction be given for the passing thereof. This must the individual attain for himself and for himself alone.

xxxv.] Is there a third, of which they should know?
35] Yea, there is a third of which they must learn. And now should it be understood that this thing is not a third, just as the second is not a second, but all of these things are constituents of one, one thing. And to separate them from one another or to speak of them as few or many is folly, for they are one.

xxxvi.] And what is this thing?
36] They must also learn and master the art of Magick.

xxxvii.] Why must they learn this thing?
37] It is the only thing which will lead them unto God. It is most necessary. There can be no union with God without it. Without it there are only illusion of such things.

xxxviii.] Dost thou think that they will learn this art of Magick readily?
38] No.

xxxix.] Why?
39] Truely, are the sons of man a lazy and cowardly lot. They ask not why, for they are afraid. They seek not God for they are lazy. Instead, they seek someone who will both answer their questions and be an intermediary between them and God. They are afraid of the unknown, so they are forced to believe all of which they are told. They are too stupid to see that they are being deceived.

xl.] Where lieth the deceit?
40] There is no earthly intermediary between a man and God.

xli.] Did not the man IhsouV {Greek: Yesous - Jesus} to be such a man, an intermediary between man and God?
41] No, he did not. He only strove to be an example unto men, and an example only. When he said: No man cometh unto the Father, but by me, he meant: No man cometh unto the Father, but by the way that I have come. He in no way wished to be regarded as a human God. He only sought to teach them a method of reaching the divine.

xlii.] Did he not claim to be the son of God?
42] We are all the children of God. We are all the sons and daughters of God. In taking this title he was teaching them that the first step in reaching God, is to claim thy rightful place in the House of God, by acknowledging the part of thee that is of God, just as a man openly acknowledges that there is a part of him that is of his earthly father. He was pointing out the fact that we as human beings have at least one thing in common that differentiates us from the beast of the field, we all have a direct link to God that is unique to us and is within each and every one of us, but this fact must first be acknowledged and understood before we may ever hope to use it. This much should be clear to any fool, for he taught them to pray in this way: àçî æ o î ço o à o .

xliii.] Thou hast said that thou art the seventh born of God. What meanest thou in saying this?
43] Because my God is a merciful God, he hath placed an holy one among the sons of man to save them, to be an example unto them, to keep them ever near Truth. And because the 'ons pass away so quickly and because there is so much decay, my Father teaches this one to pass his seed unto the 'ther that he may be born again in another time, that he may teach them again and keep them from losing sight of Truth. This is a secret most secret. In each day and time that he is allowed to walk the earth, he is one which hath not lost sight of Truth. He stands as a light in the darkness of man. I am the seventh of these. I am the seventh of the seventh. I am the last. Truly, I am a man, but a man blessed with a determined spirit and seeing eyes. The Spirit of God is the stirring Spirit within me and I am the stirring spirit within them, that they may wake from their sleep and feel the Spirit of God stirring within them. I am indeed a great healer, and that of another kind, for I shall deliver a great number of people from out of the mouth of the infirmity of restriction. This is where my power lies.

xliv.] Thou hast said thou art the last; what meanest thou in saying this?
44] Truly, I will not pass my seed unto the 'ther in the manner which I spoke. There shall never be the birth of another Savior. But there shall come two after, who shall stand as witnesses to the mighty power of God. These are two holy places. They shall walk among them and teach them from this and other holy works, leaving out not one. They shall travel far to infuriate, even as I, and the people shall become wroth with them, because they will speak the Truth and the multitudes will become confused by this. But none shall abate them, for unto them the word of God is sooth fast. And they shall hold in their hand the power to govern the earth. And they shall prophesy and teach for three and one half years. Then shall the spirit of laziness come again unto the people and they shall return unto the company of the whore and fornicate with her again. And together with her shall they rise up against my two prophets and kill them. Yea, many fires will burn with the Word of God. For three and one half days shall my prophets lie dead. And the sight of these two dead prophets will cause the multitudes to rejoice, for they saw them as naught but tormentors. None shall come unto them and bury them properly, and because of this shall the Holy Spirit of God return unto them life and they shall open up the heavens with their wisdom thereof, and be caught up. Verily, in the fifth and one quarter hour of that great day will the righteous be taken away. Yea, all who believe will be no more. Behind them will they leave no trace of virtue, no hint of Truth will be left.
No more on this matter may be said.

xlv.] Is there anything further that they must know?
45] Verily, there are many things which they must learn. But these things must they learn without me. I am an example only. They must come unto the light by way of their own devise.

xlvi.] How may they go about this then?
46] They must gather together texts both old and new, and on every subject. These must they read without prejudice, and ponder the matters contained therein until they understand. And they should form no opinion thereof unless it be tried by implacable inquiry. And even in this must their opinions remain docile. If need be, they may consult others in this task, and this carefully. My children are vehemently warned against becoming lazy in this way.

xlvii.] Will this not be too difficult for them?
47] Yea, the path that leadeth unto the House of God is not easy. There is no other way. There is no easy way among the children of God. If any one among them should abandon his difficult path and search instead for an easy way, then he would do better to follow the whore and her children and fall with them, for he no longer will have a place among the children of God. Verily he will find them lying in every pit along the way, that he may join them. There are two voices that can be heard when on this path. Before him, ever so faint, is the voice of God. Behind him, more loudly, calling ever so sweet, is the voice of the whore.

xlviii.] Art thou not asking to much of them?
48] There is no other way. There is no more time remaining. They must learn all that they can learn, and this quickly. There is no time for concern for anything else. I have laid down a good foundation for them in these my holy works. That which hath been kept secret from them, I have revealed. That which hath been difficult, I have made easy. And this without denying them initiation, for this is most important to them.

xlix.] Thou speakest of initiation; need they seek a wise man to take them unto his temple and initiate them into the mysteries?
49] Nay, for there may be danger there. The mind of man is the great initiator, and ever doth she wait there to initiate. There is no need of another. Verily, must the man go unto himself with his learning and his questions and his answers thereof, and initiate himself in sooth. Only when he hath initiated himself, and that fully, may he go out unto the world and seek those of his stature. And together may they then erect a temple and worship together therein.

l.] Hast thou anything further to say?
50] I have one thing further, and in it there is prophesy and instruction. Verily, there will be some among my children who will not see these texts as a beginning of a beginning, but an end of a beginning. For to them, my holy books will be an answer to long unanswered questions, and growth in a field long barren, completion in the mind of the seeker. And within and among them will there be a great and mighty coming together. And their stature and their mighty power will be proof unto themselves and unto the world. For when the scoffer and the doubter come unto them and say: Prove! they shall send forth fire and lightening from their hands and burn him up. Before this day, men such as these lived only in legend. Verily, they will stand as true mighty men among those who thought themselves such. And they shall go out among the masses without fear, and they shall hide no more, for truly will they be great. And they shall walk among the fallen with great strides. And they shall smite the earth with all manner of plague and horror. Verily, shall they cause the skies to whirl and terrorize the masses and sweep them away, even as I, in this day of my great nativity. Also, shall they cause fire to come down from the sky and burn up the wicked. Ever shall they cause the seas to churn and swallow up every ship and fleets of ships. Yea, shall they cause the earth to rumble and open up wide and vomit out of her mouth the dead, and swallow up instead the scoffer. Many deaths shall they cause, for they will have become the rod and scourge of God. And unto themselves shall they say: Alone we are great; Together shall we be even greater. Verily, how great, they could never have known. And they shall go unto themselves and build them a mighty army, and their number shall reach a thousand thousand and many thousands. And then shall they approach the whore and her father and their wicked children. And by their perfected Art shall they come together and bind that deceitful spirit for a thousand years and shall they curse him and cast him down, that he may deceive no more. And then shall they crush the whore and burn her house and send her children scattered and afraid. Verily, shall this army be so great and terrible that even all of the armies of every nation shall not come together as one and approach her. For what is an army of barbarians beside an army of wise men? What is the thrusting spear beside the Dagger of Art? What is the flaming bolt beside the Rod? What is strategy beside the Cup? What is the shield beside the Disk and Sword? What is man-made fire beside the Lamp of God? And what are mere man beside such terrible Beasts? Yea, there are things of war and there are things of war, and those things shall they have also and use them as one together with the other. And verily, shall they go about invisible that none may see them to fight them, and this by their precious Art. And they shall travel from place to place without walking, and they shall go and come in this fashion unto the bed chambers of kings and shall kill them while they sleep, and this by the perfection of their Art also. Yea, all will fear them, for never has there been another army as terrible as this one, and never shall there be one so terrible thereafter. So violent are the Twins of righteousness, and the Angel that stands between them! So wise are they in their knowledge that religion and science are not two things, but one thing, one thing most powerful when this secret is known and understood.
51] Stand up, my children! Stand up and take hold of the sword which I have given thee, and thrust it into the heart of the world! So sayeth I.
52] Embrace the little red Goddess and her Child and the God that is within them, for they shall be as a crown upon thy head.