Liber Eight
The Book of Æon
Parallel Figure
1] Grieve not for me in my death, for it is not death, but
2] Never did I belong here; Never was I to be a man, for
a God was I always.
3] From dust thou camest, and to dust thou shalt surely return,
but from the dwelling place of the Gods did I come into thy house, and to
the Gods I must return.
4] Before thou weepeth over my shell, ask thyself this one
thing: Is it good report of us that he will carry with him into the unknown?
This shall surely be thy beginning or thy end.
5] Verily, I say unto thee: Thy answer will make all the
6] In this is a blessing and a curse: Before thy death thou
shalt again see my face.
7] Those who loveth the child shall be favoured in the eyes
of the Gods, but to those who curse him, they shall be destroyed in this
world and in the next.
1] Let this be a warning unto the fool: Bury not my shell
on common ground.
2] Again I say unto thee: Lay me not to rest in thy god's
name. Bury me not among the unjust. Bury me not in the shadow of that great
3] Verily, I say unto thee: When I have entred into my Father's
house, let me not look back to find that ye have desecrated me so. Let me
not catch thee spitting upon me one last time.
4] And o that great whore, bury me not among her children.
For as I despise her and her vindictive father, so do I despise them.
5] And as ye stand and weep for the child that ye rejected
and loathed, know that I am spitting in the face of thy lord and god in that
very hour.
6] Know that on this day I have again become a God, and I
will set my face against those who do not do as I have commanded in this matter.
7] And to those who have possession of my holy books, in
this is a blessing and a curse:
8] Thy curiosity hath surely caused thee a great obligation.
If thou wilt not uphold my request, I will curse thee and thy children and
thy children's children, yea, until thy last descendant hath breathed his
last upon this world.
9] And in thy death will I pit the Gods against thee, that
even thy soul shall not be spared.
10] Even as thou speakest these words will I be in thy midst
watching thee.
11] But be not afraid of failing, for from my Father's house
can I listen to thy heart. From here can I see thy true.
12] If thou hast tried and failed, and thou hast surely tried,
I will then speak well of thee in the presence of my Father.
13] And be not deceived by the cunning of those who despised
the child. Thou shalt know them by their unfamiliarity.
14] When thou seest them, lay thy hand upon the sign of my
spirit and curse them in my name, and their deception shall consume them.
15] Surely they will weep for me in my death before all the
sons of man, that all may hear them, but in their hearts will they curse
me. Surely they will rejoice and say unto themselves: Behold, the tormentor
hath fallen. And verily I say unto thee: That will be heard in the ears of
all who dwell in the counsel of the Gods, those appointed to rule heaven
and hell.
16] And lo faithful one, care not to catch their tears, and
listen not therefore to their superfluous words.
17] But instead, run from them as thou would run from a burning
city, for even in that very hour that thou art among them, my God is plotting
their destruction.
18] For in their hatred for me did they live their lives,
and it is my hatred for them that shall cause their destruction. Live by the
sword and thou shalt surely die by the sword.
19] Pity them not in their wickedness, faithful one, for
to be in the presence of the Child was not pleasing unto them, and verily
I say unto thee, because of this, nor will it be pleasing unto them to be
in the presence of the God whom he hath become.
1] Remember me not as he who was, but remember me as he who
was, he who is, and he who shall be again.
2] Know that I will always be with thee. I have only departed
this world for but a blink of an eye.
3] If at the appointed time thou canst no longer find me
among thy congregation, know that I am in my Father's house.
4] If ye wish to have conversation with me and my Father and
Mother, look therefore to the sign of my spirit. In this there lie secrets
which have been hidden since the beginning of time. There will ye find me
and my kind, in the dwelling place of the Gods.
1] And this regarding these my holy books:
2] Listen not to them to be mislead, o ye foolish ones. For
there lie within them many mysteries and many blessings and also many faults
3] There will be fools in thy midst, as there have always
4] Teach them the true meaning of these my words.
5] Chastise them when they pray unto me.
6] Allow them not to fall as the whore and her foolish children.
7] Again I say: Teach them, instead, the true meaning of
my work.
8] Ye ask of me: Am I then my brothers keeper?
9] To this I reply: Yea! Yea! Yea! In every instance and
in every way, yea, ever unto the ages.
10] Let not my efforts be wasted.
1] Let this be a safeguard against the argument of the fool.
This is an effigy of all that pleases God:
2] Mine is the body and life of a man foul and imperfect reaching.
3] Mine is the flux and strain of righteous intention.
4] Mine is the spirit of the little bird that attempteth flight
and falleth again and again unto the earth.
5] Mine is the heart filled with wickedness despised.
6] Mine is the head filled with dis-ease and woeful thoughts
rebuked and returned.
7] Mine is the life of the ultimate man imprisoned dreaming.
8] Mine is the force of will, determined to overcome these
9] Mine is the soul that tireth not.
10] Mine is the one who ever trieth.
11] Mine is the lover of his God.
1] Upon my place of rest shalt thou place a thing of wonder
and woe.
2] Of black marble shall this thing be made, and standing
the height of thirteen cubits, according to my stature.
3] The base thereof should be three and one half cubits square.
4] Standing on this base shall there stand a dark and mighty
specter taking flight, an angry abomination reaching unto heaven.
5] And upon the base at the feet of this specter shall there
be a cup. And therein shall there be placed a burning fire and the smell
of jasmine.
6] And upon the base, in the topmost, there shall be written
in large script: In Terra Memorium.
7] And below this shall there be written:
{Peru u-rebu: Be Fruitful And Multiply.}
8] And also upon the base in the topmost shalt there be written
the last two of the eleventh of my seventh book.
9] In the centre of the base shalt there be a large circle
and within it a symbol representative of the Body Divine. And this shall my
children invent according to their understanding thereof. And it alone shall
stand as a true teaching of this art of Magick, forever and forever.
10] And about this circle shall there be written: Vi Veri
Vniversum Vivus Vici.
11] And upon the base, in the bottom-most, shall there be
written: [Ishanah Librianis nuk].
12] And about the base shalt there be gnomes creeping and
looking in all directions.
13] And surrounding all of these things should there be a
circle of white marble, the radius of which shall be thirty-three and one
half cubits according to my stature.
14] And this place shall be an holy place, the temple of
15] And unto this place shall my children be never turned
16] They shall come and invoke me and my Father and Mother
under the stars whenever they will but always on the twenty-ninth day of the
seventh month and in the fifth and one half hour, though where they will
have gone, this will mean nothing to them, but the date of the nativity of
their savior.
17] And the first day of the week also, for this is mine holy
day forever. There is further secret.
18] And there shall they perform a mighty banishing and a
supreme and holy invocation.
19] And there shall I come and stand before them as a devouring
d'mon and in material form, guardian of the laws of Truth.
20] And there will I be an helpmate unto them as ever.
21] And I will be their guard and their guide.
1] I am come unto my Father's house this day, yet I shall
come again.
2] I am the merciful servant of God All Mighty, and I have
brought thee peace and hope.
3] I am the war lord of the God of mercy, and I am come to
abate thee in thy wickedness and bring thee woe and make severe thy ordeals.
4] And laugh not, for I am laughing.
5] Laugh not at the laughing child, for he hath played thee
a trick.
6] Verily hath the sword come unto me, but it struck me not
to death, for I go in the time which I must go, and then only.
7] Let not tears fall from the eyes of the fallen, for I
never knew them.
8] Curse them who curse me, and I with thee.
9] Yea, will my faithful children rise up against thee suddenly
to bring thee war and sorrow.
10] I have given my chosen power over the elements, and sooth
fast have they gained power over these things.
11] Mock them, for they care little.
12] Curse them, for there is no harm.
13] I come quickly to those who invoke me with a pure heart.
14] But unto those who do folly to invoke me in arrogance,
I shall come unto them and lurk in their heart as a black and deadly shadow
who will never quit. I shall bring unto them all manner of plague and disease
both known and unknown to man.
15] Verily, am I the eye in the storm, for this was my greatest
pleasure. And by this shalt thou remember me always.
16] Even in death shall I be an abomination unto thee forever.
17] Even in death shalt thou fear me more.
18] Revel not in my absence, o thou pitiful ones, for in
secret have I left to my children instructions for my resurrection and the
meaning and the sounds of the words which are the key.
19] Stare not at the beautiful script of the Goddess of death,
for therein lie no understanding for thee.
20] Attempt not to speak the words and gain power over my
children, for thou wilt only babel and bring unto thyself death and illness
and all manner of misfortune and horror. Yea, the God of death and torment
lurketh and creepeth within these words misspoken, and that verily.
21] Run to thy whore!
22] Run to thy whore and her sterile father and call unto
23] He will not come unto thee, nor she, for I have vanquished
them both and exposed them for frauds!
24] Run unto thy whore and her sterile father and their dying
children, for then will I know where to find thee more quickly!
25] Yea, laugh not at the laughing child, for he hath played
thee a trick!
1] Take heed, o thou foolish ones, for my children shall become
2] Verily, they shall smite the earth with plague and with
fire and all manner of horror and woe.
3] Yea, they shall smite the earth, for the iniquities of
her inhabitants are great beyond number.
4] None shall stand before them. No obstacle to them shall
be long lived.
5] Yea, they shall smite the earth.
6] These are my chosen, the children of God, and strong are
7] These are not ones burdened with guilt and faith and doctrine.
These are not ones who pray and wait, and weep and throw themselves about
like madmen. These are the strong.
8] And yea, before they are taken, they shall smite the earth