Parallel Figure
1] My Father, how I long for thee.
2] I love thee, yet how I hate thee.
3] Though thou dragest me down into the deepest pits
of hell, how I long for thee.
4] How I long to greet thee and kiss thy neck on the
very second of thine arrival.
5] O how I long to wash thy feet and be thy slave, to
bring thee warm milk and great feasts, wine and beautiful women.
6] But most of all, how I long to approach thee in thy
slumber and smite thee and cripple thee and make thee my slave.
7] For truely, thy master was I always, for all that
thou hast, I have given thee.
1] My Lord, thou hast tested me, to see if I am worthy
to be thy servant.
2] When thou art wholly satisfied, I wish to put thee
to the test, just as thou hast tested me, to see if thou art truely as
worthy to be my master, as I am to be thy slave.
1] My God, I sing thee a song, a song which tells of
the life which thou hast given me.
2] It is sorrowful and slightly out of key,
3] But my song - my song is of a most beautiful melody.
1] Lord, thou teachest me the ways of Truth.
2] Thou hast given me eat from the Tree of Knowledge
of Good and Evil.
3] Thou hast opened up mine eyes, that I have seen the
folly of man, so that I may show them the ways of Truth.
4] What have I done that I deserve such? Dost thou not
know that they will mock me and scoff at me?
5] What crime have I committed unto thee that thou hast
condemned me to such a fate?
6] Father, I do not mean to mock thee. I do not wish
to see thy wrath. Please do not be angry with thy servant.
7] If this is that which my master would have me to do,
then so be it.
8] But, my God, I beg of thee, have mercy on me; hide
therefore from me the Tree of Life, that I may not put forth my hand unaware
and take from the Tree its Fruit and be condemned forever.
1] O my Mother, Goddess of heaven and earth, ruler of
hell and the underworld, wilt thou have me my master? I beg thee, I will
be thy most treasured slave.
2] How I long for thee to take me by my hand and lead
me unto thy bed. Take me soon, I beseech thee! lest my longing consume
me and my sacrifice be not acceptable unto thee.
3] How I long to please thee. How I long to look upon
thy angry face and cower in fear. At this, my love for thee wells up within
me and burns with the fire of a thousand suns.
4] Once I fell asleep and dreamed I was a man, but my
master awakened me from my slumber and reminded me that I am but a child,
and that I am to serve and nothing more.
5] She makes me to drink the wine from her breasts and
sip nectar from the most beautiful flower.
6] She causes me pain and makes me to beg for pleasure.
She shows me to her hatred and it moves me to long for her love.
7] She drinks the tears from my face, but allows me not
to touch her. To this I dare not protest, lest she make my pinions to be
more painful.
8] She is my Goddess, my master. At her command, I fall
to my face and worship her. I offer her my tears, but I would give her
my life.
9] I dare not raise my head, for eyes of flesh are not
worthy of her beauty.
10] I am a lamb; she leads me to the slaughter.
11] She mocks my weakness and admires my strength. My
Goddess, how I love thee; thou art truely my master.
12] She takes me into her embrace and consumes my flesh.
She is the d'mon that hath given me life. Now she will destroy me utterly.
Her pleasure is beyond flesh. She is my Goddess.
13] She commands me to beg for my life, but I can not!
And lo, with mine own sword, she takes my life. I suffer with the most
exquisite pain.
14] In Death will I be hers forever. Only in Death can
I find Life. Only in death can I ever hope to live.
1] When the sun hath gone down into the grave,
2] And the moon runneth over with the blood of the Gods,
3] And my Mother weepeth bitterly before all the earth
and heaven and hell,
4] And fire spliteth the sky in half,
5] And rushing winds tear at the dwellings of the unjust,
6] Let the sons of man know that I am doing battle with
thee, my Lord, my God.
1] Kraken, my Lord, my God.
O Great {Livyahthan: Leviathan},
let not mine enemies stand in strength. Verily, they come at me from all
sides, master. Truely they plot to destroy me this very hour.
2] They say: Let us lie in wait to destroy the Godless
one, for who hath he to protect him? Surely this moveth the Lord my
God to smile, for thou alone know the truth.
3] Make my enemies to fall upon themselves and suffer
at the hands of their own evil workings.
4] Make the strong to fall down before me and beg for
their lives.
5] And move them to say: Ask thy God, in whom thou
alone knoweth his name, to have mercy on us, lest he destroy us for plotting
against his seventh born. his most precious number. Save us now, lest we
see his wrath. For we are weak and afraid.
6] Allow me then to see through their cunning and smash
them like glass before thee and offer them up to thee as a most pleasing
sacrifice before the Lord, my God.
7] I beseech thee master, give me the strength of the
Gods. Make me to be great among men.
1] Long ago, my childhood God took from me my soul and
cast me down to hell and left me to die. In my distress, he refused to
hear my cries.
2] But thou, my master, the Lord my God, did raise me
up and give me strength and new life. Thou gavest me hope.
3] But in secret did my master rescue me, to see what
I would do.
4] In revenge did I hunt the Gods, as the lion hunteth
the lamb.
5] O how I longed to seek out their places of dwelling
and smash them into dust.
6] But my hatred did not anger thee, master. My bravery
was most pleasing in the eyes of the Lord, my God.
7] Rather than destroy me in my ignorance, thou reachest
forth thy arms to embrace me. Surely thou knowest my pain.
8] No longer do I fear death, for in death shall I sit
at the right hand of my Father in the counsel of the Gods.
1] Drunken do I stand before thee, Lord.
2] Answer me my God. Hath my ignorance consumed me? Have
I failed in the hunt? Dost thou exist beyond my reach?
3] I beseech thee master, Call to me ever louder, for
thy voice grows more faint with each passing day.
4] Master I beg thee, strengthen me with thy hand, lest
I fall and become like the sons of man. Surely thou would not allow thy
servant to condemn himself.
5] I can only dream of the throne that awaits me.
6] Hast thou lost thy patience with me? Or is it I who
hath become corrupt and succumbed to the flesh?
7] Call to me ever louder Father and I shall be with
thee soon. I have not forgotten thee.
8] How I long to be with thee in thy house. How I long
to be loosed from this pinion and again become as a God.
9] I must be strong, for thou hast instructed me: Only
after thou hast surpassed the flesh, mayest thou return unto the dwelling
of the Gods and become as thy Father.
10] All knowing? Wise. Perfect? Great.
1] O my God, my Lord, my God, ever do I listen for thee,
but thy voice hath finally fallen to silence.
2] No longer can I hear thee calling me. No longer can
I hear thy sweet voice. I am alone and afraid.
3] How I long to be with thee. How I long for thy embrace,
Lord. Now, more than ever do I need thy guidance.
4] And o how I long to fall to my knees before thee and
take thee into my mouth, thy left hand upon my shoulder, thy right upon
my Head.
5] O how I long to feel thy Truth and drink of the waters
of thy Knowledge.
6] Show me thy way master, lest I lose thee among the
7] I remember thy promise, Father, yet still I am afraid.
8] It is so lonely here among the sons of man; their
ignorance is more than I can bear.
9] Their ways are as of a man who is both blind and deaf.
They aimlessly wander about the earth without hope. Their useless utterings
are blasphemous d'mons that cry out for the blood of the just.
10] Their logic is as a pit that lies in wait to snare
the innocent.
11] I feel as though I am a helpless child, and my cries
are nothing more than mere babblings, to only be ignored by the superfluous.
12] Father, give me the voice of a God, That I may shatter
the falsities that cover their ears. Lend me thy strength that I may destroy
those wicked lies that surround them like a band of thieves.
13] And o that great whore. Do they not see how she keeps
them drunk on superfluous words and useless knowledge? Do they not see
how she twists the truth and seduces them into ignorance by teaching them
lies? Do they not see how she convinces them to hate all but her and her
vindictive father?
14] Will they not wake in the night and catch her smashing
their hope into dust and casting it to the wind? Am I not here in vain,
Lord? Will they ever listen? Are they anymore capable of learning than
is a wild beast?
15] Look at them, Father. Are they not a hopeless case?
Can anyone among them be found to be blameless in the eyes of the Gods?
Is there not even one that is pure and just?
16] O Lord, my God, o great {Livyahthan:
Leviathan}, call to me ever louder, that I may not become lost among the
sons of man. Save me master, lest I succumb to the flesh. Do not allow
thy servant to fall.
17] I beseech thee Father, strengthen me with thy hand.
Shatter the heavens with thy voice, that I may know that thou hast not
forgotten me.
1] My thoughts are of thee, o my Lord, and a rage fills
the uttermost reaches of my knowing.
2] I am alone and afraid and thou hearest not. I am alone
and afraid and thou seest not. I am alone and afraid and thou comest not.
3] Thou art as strange unto me as a virgin to a man's
touch, though I desire thee as much.
4] In arrogance hast thou sat watching thy most faithful
servant grovel at the mouth of eternity and drivel over each and every
speck of illusion, hoped to be a clue that might lead to thy house.
5] In desperate spirit I call unto thee, my voice echoing
through the universe.
6] I consult the books written by the mystics of old,
and cast a circle by their direction, that I might invoke thee and know
thee thereby, and thou sendest me not even a messenger.
7] How sad am I. How sad hath my life become, that every
ounce of my being hath been consumed in longing for thee. I want no other
but thee; all else to me, is meaningless.
8] How arrogant is the follower of the great whore. He
kneels for but a brief moment, closing his eyes and clasping his hands
to his chest in a most blasphemous way.
9] And after babbling a few meaningless words, he stands,
faces me, and proclaims in arrogance: I have found god.
10] Why dost thou choose to let fools such as these to
mock me? And still I search.
11] But know this, o dark and hidden God, Whether in
life or in death, will I seek thee out and find thee, to gouge out thine
eyes and tear the hair from thy head.
12] Yea, I will rise up from the grave as a dark and
mighty specter, roaring forth as a great beast from the depths of hell.
With out-stretched hands will I ascend unto thy throne and tear thee from
it, and rend thy heart from thy very chest.
13] O my God, my God, how I love thee.
1] Blessed is the word of God! And blessed are the children
of God who perceive the mysteries of creation and understand!
2] Blessed are the children of God who study the mysteries
of creation and understand not, but strain much!
3] Blessed is the Lord of hosts who teaches them who
call upon him with a pure heart and with a broad mind!
4] Blessed are those whose eyes are wide in search for
Truth, for God is with them!
5] Aye, the numbers and the words that veil the face
of God, Blessed are they!
6] Rejoicing do I lift up my hands unto the heavens!
God is brilliant and magnificent!
7] One is thy beginning! One is thy individuality! Thy
permutation is one!
8] O how I love thee, my Lord {Adonai:
1] Glory be to God, for he is great! Thanksgiving to
God, for he is great! There is one God and one God alone and he is great!
God is All in One and One in Naught; Everywhere is he around and within
us, and also another, and he is great! There is no strength, save in God
the exalted, for he is great!
1] Forgive me, o my Father, if in my disclosure of thy
sacred mysteries, I would cause the sons of man to blaspheme thee further.
2] Forgive me if I am to blame for them defiling thy
holiness any more than they have already.
3] Forgive me if I have given them a weapon to use against
thee and that which thou hast held most dear.
4] Let not this work be an abomination unto thee.
5] Let not mine effort be a curse.
6] Let not my life be a burden unto thee, o Lord.
7] Curse me not for giving them eat of this fruit.
8] Instead, rejoice; Rejoice, o my God.
9] Rejoice that there is at least one among them that
is not lost, and that in this there is yet hope.
10] Though it be thy will already, give this work thy
blessing, o my God.
11] Bless this work that it may be a blessing unto thee.
12] Bless this work that it may be a shining light in
the darkness of man.
13] Soften there hearts for but a little, that they may
see this sooth.
14] They will surely mock me, o my God. They will surely
be reluctant to accept what I have set before them.
15] But have patience with them for a little time, o
my God. For long have they had poison set before them.
16] Rebuke them not because they can not see when they
are sitting at the table of thy house.
17] Verily, is the time near, o my God, but there is
yet a little time.
1] O beautiful one of my longing, thou hast given ear
and I have listened.
2] Thou hast kissed my lips and I have spoken.
3] Thou art a bird, burnt up in the beauty of God. Thou
art my love.
4] But the wise were not so fooled by this, for they
know thee to be a sparkling and scarlet fish, caught on the hook of the
5] Cover me with thy terrible kisses that I may have
thy colour.
6] Run me through with thy sword that I may be the same.
7] Choose what thou wilt, but turn not away from me.
8] Thou turnest not away. Thou art my lover.
9] I love thee.
10] Thou hast gathered up my tears and brought me diamonds.
11] Thou hast suckled at the waste of a lonesome man
and brought me precious amber.
12] Thou art mighty unto the foolish. Thou art humble
unto the wise. Thou reachest down.
13] I love thee.
1] Upon a little boat of gold do I sit and ponder thee,
my love. Thou art all where I am. Where I am there is nothing.
2] As giddy as a child, I cast forth my line that I may
catch thee up. I wait.
3] Thou lurkest on the bottom of a sea so vast. And o
how still is that sea of green. Thou art so still, my God; I hear thee
4] But thou were there, my little Goddess. Thou art with
me, though I see thee not, but thou were there.
5] I stand that I may dive and fracture the still, but
I would brave no such thought, for thou would surely swallow me up. I fear.
6] Thou art beautiful to me, for thou knowest me too
7] To an multitude am I a furious lion, waiting for the
weakest of the herd, but to thee am I a tender lamb awaiting the slaughter.
8] Thou dash and play and dance upon my hook, thou art
only to only mine. I love thee.
9] Wash me in that sea of green, where I stand in safety.
Ah, but there are no such things. Thou knowest.
10] Terrible, so terrible are the voice of God. Thou
hast the mouth to speak them. Thou art true.
11] Thou settest the sea ablaze with tongues of blue
and purple. O the sting of thy laughter as I dash and dive.
12] I love thee. Should thou hurt me for play?
13] But thou knowest well that these are not flames,
but the exhaust of an infinite kiss. Thou teachest me in everything.
1] So perfect, so perfect am I in thee, my love. There
is no other.
2] Thou knowest well my lover. My Palace. Thou art never
jealous. Thou hast great love for him ever, even as I.
3] Speak to me, that I may know No-Thing. Silence thyself
that I may know my fault.
4] Yea, thou art great in thy silence, my love.
5] Silence thyself, that I may become as great. O too
humble am I yet to receive.
6] Teach me thy spells and the secret within the circle,
o thou azure lidded Goddess. Thine innocence hath bequeathed me.
7] O, but thou art not so innocent, my love. Thou keepest
the company of such a beast as >
Melekh: Leviathan the King}. Thou doest no wrong.
8] Sound, my Goddess! Thou art so resounding. I have
seen the end. There should be no more.
9] There should be no more.
10] Ah, but thou art not affected so. Thou art too beautiful.
11] Thou speakest and mountains cower before thee. Thou
speakest and the great cities crumble. Thou speakest and the seas are still
no more. Ah, but the still cometh. Thou speakest.
12] Art thou not too ready for thy day? Thou cruel one.
Thou beautiful one. Thou pursuance of mine addiction.
13] Thou art mine forever, o my love. Forever. Hide me
from my curse, that it might not hurt overmuch.
1] Through a cool dark mist do I hunt thee, o my love,
through the forests of hope, into the swamps of utter damnation.
2] Deep into the backwood have I found myself seeking
thee. Wither thou goest, I am with thee.
3] The mossy trees whisper thy name. The dark rolling
mists that hide thee, speak only in number. They taunt me. They tempt me.
Thou veilest.
4] But I have found thee! I have found thee lying beside
a mighty cypress tree. O how beautiful thou art, basking in the light of
the moon. Thou knowest not. Not even thee.
5] Thou hast given up thy spirit that thou mayest entre
the tree. Yea, and the tree hath received thee! Thou speaketh and nature
conformeth. But where art thou that I may behold thee.
6] Help me! For I am sinking! In the mire have I lost
my stone.
7] But thou hearest my cries. Thou reachest forth thy
branches. Thou savest.
8] Thou savest!
9] Thou hast taken me unto thy bosom and gave me eat
of thy fruit. My lips and my fingers delight in the taste of thy sap.
10] And when the tree spew us out, o how we laughed.
11] I chid thee and poke at thee with a stick. Thou art
so sweet in my mouth.
12] Thou entrest me as thou didst entre the tree. Thou
hast given me eat of my own fruit.
13] I beg thee stop. Thou art too cruel. Thou art too
bitter in my belly. Though thou would hurt me, still I love thee. Thou
1] How shall I question thee, my love?
2] O how we play.
3] I scourge thee. Thou art my slave. Thou beggar! Thou
4] Thou needest me! I am the hand and the pen. I give
thee life!
5] Thou goest naked before me. Thou art my frightened
6] Thy breasts are as two beautiful stars. Thou would
batter them for me. Thou would place them in my hands and offer them up
to me. Thou art mine!
7] Ah! The sound of thy agony. I inflict thee. I inflict
8] I bruise thee because I love thee. Thou knowest. I
love thee. Thou knowest.
9] Though thou art heavy with child, thou would dance
for me still.
10] Yea, thou breakest forth into a violent dance. I
am quickened by the pain thou bringest upon thyself for me.
11] Thy breasts run to and fro as two frightened gazelle.
Thy belly moves as a goring bull. Thy breasts are fat with milk; thy belly
full of child. Thou seductress.
12] Thou movest quick and hard. Thou art bound in ecstasy.
Thou danceth. Thou weepeth. I love thee.
13] Weep for me my child. Weep for me. My love for thee
is the burden of sorrow of which thou must carry. Thy love for me shall
be an imprecation unto me forever.
1] O my beautiful, how I love thee.
2] Thou archest thy body in ecstasy and I entre thee.
3] Thou liest as a bow on the bed of God. Thy cries quicken
me and I thrust within thee with the determination of a furious kid.
4] I love thee!
5] I drink the sweat from thy breasts as thou archest
thy body in love.
6] Thou art a mighty river that twists and spirals. Thou
pourest down!
7] As I kiss thy neck, whisper unto me the secrets of
8] Let us come away with them, my love, and rape them
9] Let us overcome them and thrust apart their legs and
violate them with fist and phallus. Yea, let us cast them unto the ground
and rape them to death.
10] Let us drink of their blood and know all things.
And let us carry them off to our bed of azure, and love them day and night,
and eat of their rotting flesh.
11] Let us delight in the stink of death. Thou shalt
wear them as sweet smelling oils, and shall seduce me thereby.
12] Unto thee do I dart forth as a flaming arrow.
13] Thou hast taken me to death.
1] Into the wilderness hast thou taken me away, my love.
2] There have we watched the rise and set of many suns.
3] Many moons have we seen going thereafter.
4] But which is lord and which is slave?
5] Such are thou and I.
6] Thou knowest well the answer to these mysteries.
7] By the light of the moon have I embraced thee and
entred thee and covered thee with sweet kisses.
8] Under the burning sun, hast thou cast me down and
overcome me.
9] Thou hast pinioned me to the steaming sand and cast
thy naked body upon me and torn my flash from my bones.
10] O my Mother, my Goddess. Thou incestuous beast. Thou
vile and filthy whore.
11] Thou virgin.
12] Open up thy legs unto me, my love, and force me to
please thee with a thousand lovely kisses. Place thy hand upon my head
and force thy cup to my lips. I drink of thee.
13] Thou enslaver. Thou needest no such force. I come
unto thee willing.
1] O how we laugh at the haughty, my sweet, my love.
2] O how we watch and laugh as they carry away their
crumbs from the table of God, and pretend that they have something of worth.
3] O how we delight in their ignorance when they look
as guilty children and say: We have nothing.
4] Angry are we because of their tight fists and their
closed doors and their hiding away.
5] Their lies do naught but provoke us. Proud are they
of their illusions. They have nothing truly.
6] But I have thee, my love. Thou teachest me everything.
7] Thou hast led me unto the vision of a great legend
and explained to me those mysteries contained therein.
8] I have watched a dying man upon a cross. I have heard
his last words and understood. I have breathed his final breath.
9] Verily, was he taken away and sealed in a tomb.
10] But thou rollest away the stone. Thou entrest in.
11] Thou camest unto him in death and danced for him.
Thou art truly beautiful, my love.
12] Thou enchantress! Thou receivest him into thy mouth
and returned him unto life!
13] Before me didst thou crawl upon him and love him
as thou hast loved me. Thou hast taken his seed and run away. In thy belly
is the blood of a king. Thou art to wonderful for the ignorant to behold.
1] So beautiful art thou, my little Goddess. Thou knowest
not thy beauty.
2] Thou hast painted thine eyes and adorned thyself with
beautiful gowns and dirndled thyself for me. But these pleased me not so
much as thy nakedness.
3] Cover thyself not, little one. Have no shame for thy
youth. Thou art more beautiful than any woman.
4] Beautiful art thou in thy nakedness. Thou art ever
so sweet in thy innocence.
5] Thy tiny feet gently caress the flowers and the grasses
as thou runneth to and fro.
6] Thy hair doth dance and play upon them as thou approachest
me. So red are thy locks with the wrath of God.
7] Thy skin is as white as milk. And thy cheeks are ruddy
and rosy and so sweet with my kisses.
8] Thy eyes are as two lovely onyx stones, the blackest
ever to be found. Ever dost thou enchant me with them. Their spell doth
haunt me both day and night.
9] Thou bringest me flowers, my love, but I can not behold
them, for in thy coming do thy tiny breasts move as two playful lambs.
10] Come unto me, my love. Touch me with thy precious
little hands. Feel how strong I am for thee. Cover me with thy tiny kisses.
11] Offer thyself up to me before thy first bleeding.
12] O how I delight in thy laughter. Ever doth thy play
and thy curiosity please me. These are such dangerous things. Thou carest
13] O how I love thee. Thou knowest not how much.
1] Thou hast broken forth into a beautiful song, o my
2] Mine ear is closed tight by an oracle of mystery.
3] Thy voice is more beautiful than a babbling brook.
Even the green of the trees reach down to hear thee.
4] Cast down my mirror unto the earth and tread it under
thy feet. Bring down thy fist upon my stone. Snap my flagellum and cast
it away. Burn my spells and invocations. I need them not.
5] Thou hast deafened me with the sound of thy voice.
I hear nothing other.
6] Thou art too beautiful. Thou art too strong.
7] Hast thou not the intention of my death? Thou knowest.
Thou would never tell.
8] I bow down before thee, o my Goddess. Thy sword is
upon my neck.
9] I trust thee not, but neither can I run. Thou holdest
me tight.
10] Thou hast cupped thy hands between thy thighs and
caught up thy bleeding, and forced it to my lips. Thou pisseth into my
mouth and I drink. I can not resist.
11] I love thee.
12] Though thou hast degraded me before all the host
of heaven and hell, I love thee still.
13] There is none other that can be likened unto thee,
my love. I shall have no other. Thou art many, my darling, but thou art
only one.
1] Beside thee fast, do the seven thunders sound, and
the trumpeting of a mighty child. I am caught, my love.
2] So sweet are the kisses of thy curse. Thou hast damned
me to death. There is no sorrow.
3] Thou hast bound me in a blessing of portent and perdition.
There is no joy.
4] So soft are thy scarlet locks, but as iron. Thou art
upon me.
5] Love. Do I know of such things?
6] But I am lost forever, my sweet. Thine eyes look down.
Thy servant, I kiss thy feet.
7] Come, kneel down upon me. I will please thee with
kisses. The suck of thy mouth is the reward of my sacrifice.
8] Thou hast shown me the secret of the fishes. Thou
hast brought unto me the sting of the scorpion. Thou art my twin.
9] Thou art my virgin. From within me cometh the roar
of a mighty lion.
10] With my horns do I bring my head against the gate
of heaven.
11] There is further secret.
12] I love thee more than expression's bounds. My love
for thee is infinite. Even thou knoweth not its worth, though thou art
infinitely so.
13] Catch me up, my love. Carry me away. I love thee.
For alway.
1] O how cruel thou art, my Goddess. Thou art so cruel.
2] Thou hast painted mine eyes with the colour of the
heavens. Thou hast coloured my lips with the blood of the moon.
3] Thy finger pointeth.
4] Thou hast brought me into thy chamber and made me
to wear thy most beautiful gowns. Thou hast adorned me with silk and jewels.
Thou hast decked me with gold and silver.
5] Thou hast prepared me and brought me unto the banquet
of the Gods and presented me as a dancing girl.
6] I am the darling princess of the great serpent king.
I am the virgin daughter of a mighty beast.
7] Thou hast stood me before the host of heaven and hell
and forced me to please them. And o how I danced for them. Thou overseest
mine every move. With my beauty do I seduce them all.
8] O how they laugh and drink as I whirl in my dance.
How their eyes lust after me when I remove my veils.
9] Why dost thou not stop them; they have overcome me
in their drunkenness and have taken me to the floor.
10] Thou dost not stop any one of them from forcing himself
into my mouth. Thou dost not call out to any who rape me. Though I call
out to thee, thou offerest me no help.
11] In my pain do I cry out, but no sound cometh from
my lips. Though I weep bitterly, no tears come forth from mine eyes.
12] I beseech thee, my Goddess, save me from this lot
of hungry wolves. Thou hearest not. Thou comest not.
13] It is over. It is done. Thou bringest me unto thy
bosom and catch away my tears in thy hair. Thy fingers upon my cheek comfort
my pain. The smell of thy skin and the sound of thy voice give me solace.
I love thee.
1] Unto the masses do I offer thee up, my darling, my
2] Should they not love thee as much as I? Should they
not find thee as beautiful? Will not thy comeliness seduce them away from
sin? Will they not leave their whore and come to lie with thee instead?
Thou answereth not.
3] Upon a mossy hill do we sit, thou and I. Great trees
loom over us. Thy skin is so lovely in the shade. Upon the wind are brought
the sweet smell of the little flowers. I lie in thy bosom. I am safe with
thee, my love.
4] As ever, do I drink from thy cup. But what hast thou
put inside it? It is sweeter than any I have ever tasted.
5] Thou art consumed in fire, o my Goddess! The flames
surround thee!
6] I will save thee, my love! Fear not for I am with
7] But I can not, for I am surrounded by an angry mob.
They are calling for my blood! Where am I? Where am I?!
8] I am kicked and beaten and striped to the flesh. I
can not hear for the laughing. Why do they spit at me? Why do they tear
at my flesh? I look upon one man who hath struck me and there is no more.
9] No longer can I see, but I smell the scent of wood
and the breath of a thousand angry men.
10] O how terrible is the sound and the smell of steel
against steel. The pain is more than I can bear. I am surprised to feel
the sparks stinging my flesh, for I can no longer feel their fists striking
me. No longer can I hear the voices of those who have overcome me.
11] Elissa, Elissa, lamma sabaxqani! {Greek: Elissa, Elissa, lamma sabaxqani - My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?}
12] Thou art so beautiful, my love. Shall we stay here
forever? Shall we pick the little flowers, or shall we sleep?
13] The wind is mingled with the smell of thy hair, and
I am ever more quickened in my love for thee. I am safe in thy bosom, o
my sweet. Though the sun goeth down on this place, I am safe, for thou
art with me alway. I love thee.