Liber Three
The Book of Warnings

Parallel Figure


1] Know ye those that are gentle of touch and soft of voice, those who seem kind of heart?
2] Yet they say: If my life were to be taken from me, I would drag down into the pit with me many. Verily, in saying this, they reveal themselves.
3] Also they say: I wish to love and I wish to be loved, yet all the while they have murderous hearts.
4] Do not be fooled therefore by their sweet words. Their tongues cast shadows that lurk deep in the night and lie in wait for the innocent.
5] These people prowl the earth like packs of wolves. Their misery with their own lives maketh them to be hungry for the lives of others.
6] Verily, as long as thou art at their disposal, they will have thee to think that they are truely a friend.
7] But no longer allow them to use thee as the traveler uses the staff and they will, in that very moment, wish for thy death. These people think with the mind of the evil one.
8] They sing beautiful songs by day, but by night they howl for the blood of the wise.
9] I say this with caution: Do not misunderstand my words; people such as these are not animals, for they are not even worth such a title.
10] The lion taketh life to survive. But these evil ones, they destroy because they can not.
11] Beware of people such as these, for their worthlessness, is more than they can bear. They will see thee only for thy potential and will hate thee accordingly.
12] They will wish to steal thy gifts away as does a thief. They will put forth their hand and crush thy blessings as insects. Cursed be them in their vindictive nature.
13] When thou seest them coming, pray to the Lord thy God for strength. For if thou hast made them to be angry with thee, thou wilt be lucky to escape with even thy life.
14] But trust in the Lord thy God, and thou shalt surely escape unharmed.

1] Know ye those that greet thee with open arms at thine every arrival? Those that come bearing superfluous words and present them as precious gifts.
2] These are the ones that promise to give thee everything thou wantest. They offer to grant thee thy every wish.
3] Beware of these people, for they aim to make thee to need them and depend on them for even thy next breath. O how they long to make thee a slave.
4] And when they feel they have accomplished this, see how their sweet words vanish as parchment put to the flame. Yea, their precious gifts turn into giants that long to beat thee into submission.
5] Truely people such as these allow their hearts to be blackened with power.
6] When they think they have captured thee, they will begin to treat thee as the lowly. They will spit upon thee at their every whim. They will wish to belittle thee for all to see. Truely, doth this make them to feel great.
7] These evil ones enjoy putting the meek beneath them.
8] But a word of wisdom: People such as these are not thy master, but thy slave.
9] If thou thinkest that I am a fool, and that I am teaching thee lies, then I charge thee: Put people such as these to the test.
10] Show them thy independence. Leave them to stand alone for even a short while, and they will suddenly become as meek as a lamb.
11] Truely this is all that is needed. For every day that thou hast left them to be alone, they will fall apart more with each passing hour.
12] Their giants will shrink into playful children, and begin to woo thee back.
13] O how they seem to change their ways. O how they will plead with thee and beg for thy forgiveness.
14] But show them not thy kind heart, for once it is in their hands, they will fashion it into a double edged sword and plunge it back into thy chest.
15] Verily, they will not love thee for thy mercy but will hate thee for thy weakness.
16] If thou believest their lies and look upon them with compassion, they will see thee as a fool. Surely, they will seek to destroy thee.
17] Again I say unto thee, concerning these evil ones: Their worthlessness is more than they can bear.
18] They seek to control others, for they have no control over themselves.
19] Surely, they have experienced similar and it hath left them to feel weak and pitiful.
20] Verily, I say unto thee: If thou hast ears, then listen: Beware of the pitiful, for they are more dangerous than a hungry lion.
21] Their jealousy hath blinded them to see only thy potential and not their own. They will hate thee for thine every ability.
22] Keep great distance between them and thee, for if they can not control thee, and if they are not allowed to keep careful watch over thee, then they would better to see thee dead.

1] And this concerning those vindictive in nature: Truely do they allow themselves to think with the mind of the evil one.
2] People such as these blacken their hearts with hatred and envy. Their every waking hour is filled with sorrow and remorse for all that they are not.
3] They have failed in their attempts to make themselves to be great, and it hath caused them to become envious of anyone who has what they have not.
4] Possibly the cause of their problem lies within their attempts - or the lack thereof; The latter in most cases.
5] They loath those who succeed. And they hate the righteous. They wish only death unto those whom they feel are above them.
6] Truely doth this make them a danger to themselves and all who know them. Men such as these are never to be trusted.
7] For they lie in wait as doth a serpent to spring upon the unwary and strike at his heel. And their bite is more poisonous than that of an adder.
8] Truely hath their jealousy consumed them. Men such as these are not capable of ever loving another; Nor are they capable of true friendship.
9] Because of their falling short, are they never able feel that they are above everyone all of the time.
10] Therefore, all who keep their company are likely to be stung by their filthy mouths. Truely are their tongues likened unto a scorpions tail, and their blasphemies are the venom therein.
11] They will charm thee with their precious words, and they will befriend thee as long as thou art below them.
12] But show them thy potential, and thou shalt see their wrath. Surely they will chastise thee according to thine ability. Truely are men such as these pitiful.
13] But this doth not have to be the case. For our Lord and God hath given unto each, his own ability. But it is up to thee to find it.
14] If thou canst not find thine ability, then I say unto thee: Listen unto thy heart. For within thy heart is the voice of God. But thou must be willing to listen and hear.
15] If these wicked ones put as much effort into finding their own potential, as they do in hating thee for thine, then in that day would they become great indeed.

16] Also, there is another matter concerning these vindictive ones, which need be discussed, and it is those whose hearts are full of vengeance.
17] Again I say unto thee:
Thou would be better off to keep great distance between them and thee.
18] For if thou were to cause them to become angry with thee, would they not confront thee and discuss with thee what thou hast done to anger them;
19] Nor will they come to thee and curse thee and beat thee with their fists; Nor will they wish to make amends. For to do any of these things would take courage.
20] No, in that day thou wilt not see them coming. If they were behind thee, thou would never know it.
21] They will lurk in the shadows and await a time when thou art sleeping; Then will they rise up against thee and strike thee down without mercy.
22] Their hatred for all whom they have known, will they pour out upon thee. But it will not be their face thou wilt see before thy death. For even then will they have no courage.
23] Truely do they cause my Lord and God to laugh at them. For they are so pitiful. Their attempts to become victorious are so small.
24] They are only capable of pitting others against thee, or drawing a weapon on thee when thou art not facing them.
25] But beware of them still, for this doth not mean that they are not dangerous. For through
others do they gain their strength.
26] And if they are able to pit thy brother against thee, thy brother may not be as much a coward as they.
27] Know that if thou hast angered them, they will go to many lengths to destroy thee. Truely, mere revenge is not enough for them.
28] And to see that thou art only hurt will not please them. Their cry for thy blood will be likened unto a child that cries for his mothers milk.
29] If thou knowest such a person, then distance thyself far from them. For even in this very hour are they a danger unto thy life.
30] But of this thou must also beware, for if thou hast made them to feel that thou art rejecting them, this also will quicken them to become angry with thee.
31] If thou art not sure thou knowest a person of this nature, thou mayest detect them by their envious actions and their improper remarks thereby.
32] Jealousy is not an animal that is large in stature, but neither is it, in any case, not a predator.

1] Beware of those who are simple of mind, o thou aspiring one.
2] They can not understand thy concerns with divinity and higher learning, and it disturbs them greatly.
3] They will hope to deceive thee by attempting to convince thee that thy aspirations are of no great importance, and that thou art a fool to be concerned with such matters.
4] Come, they say, lie with us and explore the pleasures of the world; and when thou art sleeping, dream of only gold, silver, and precious stones.
5] Beware of this, o thou aspiring one, for too easily wilt thou be snared and devoured by their aims.
6] Thou wilt fall and will loose thy place.
7] Hast thou the strength to begin again?
8] To woo thee unto their place of dwelling is easy for them, but to show them the path that leadeth unto God and convince them to tread it, is impossible indeed.
9] Show them not thy way, for it will only anger them. Tell them not of the treasures which God hath given thee, for they will only hate thee.
10] Their lack of understanding causeth them to stumble, and their laziness and unwillingness to learn causeth them great distress, and their inability to perceive causeth them great dishonor. Beside thee, they feel as the lowly, and so it is.
11] They are reminded of their incompetence in thy presence and are quickened to cover this their sore of imprecation, by way of vicious injection.
12] These loathsome ones are lost without hope.
13] Truly, is it easier to fall than to climb.
14] Shun him who will not think of higher things. Shun him who will not think for himself, for he will do naught but hinder thee.

1] Keep careful watch over those who would come against thee, for if they are left unattended they will surely overtake thee.
2] But do not think that thou art without defense when dealing with people such as these in these matters, for there is much strength in subtly.
3] In this is wisdom: Take from thine enemy that which he most treasures and he will conform to thy will completely.
4] Yea, take from thine enemy that which he holds most dear and, verily, he will become as thy slave.
5] Though he be exceedingly wroth with thee, he will conform to thine every wish, though he know it not.
6] Though before he were a great warrior, he will become a stumbling fool.
7] He will become an great enemy unto himself, though he see it not.
8] Verily, though he would intend to strike thee down, he will, instead, give thee sweet kisses upon thy lips.
9] Though he would bring thee poison to drink, it will be as sweet as honey.
10] Though he would curse thee to death, his words will bring to thee naught but great blessings.
11] He will fashion mighty weapons to use against thee and will fall upon them himself, each and every one.
12] Yea, his every evil intention will be great tidings to be added unto thee.
13] And in this thou wilt overcome him.

1] Take care, o thou aspiring one, not to believe the first of which thou seest.
2] Of which thou hearest, thou must also take great care.
3] In thy search for God are there many pitfalls and liars in wait.
4] Yea, there are many snares and many snarers in the way.
5] Beware of them who bring thee quick answers and an easy way, for there are no such things in this matter.
6] Quiet the laughers and the clappers and the loud of voice, for they will fill the air with much laughing and clapping and thou wilt hear the voice of thy God no longer.
7] Let them not stand in thy way as an obstacle, for they will draw thine attention away.
8] Beware of them.
9] Verily, in this, they know what they do.
10] Beware of them, for they will come unto thee and invigorate thee with song and laughing and clapping hands and shouting voices, and in this wilt thou become as drunken with emotion.
11] And they will call this the Spirit of God, and will attempt to convince thee also, saying: This is proof!
12] Do not be fooled so easily, thou aspiring one.
13] For the spirit of God is not something so simple as mere emotion.
14] To think so is blasphemy indeed.
15] This is why there are so many foolish and so few wise.
16] Verily, is man lazy.

1] Rebuke those who rebuke these my holy works, for they have been blinded, and thereby have rendered themselves unaware.
2] For them there is no hope.
3] Rebuke those who scoff at truth. Rebuke them, for in their scoffing will they devour thy Will and cause thee to stumble.
4] Rebuke those who question without reason and without aim of proving without bias, for they can learn nothing themselves. They only wish to bring thee shame, for they themselves are shamed.
5] Men such as these are consumed with ignorance and are well aware of this, though their mouths speak not of their imprecation.
6] They know nothing and can never aspire to anything more than they are.
7] Learn of their ways. Study their own creeds, and rebuke them in the name of their own laws.
8] Rebuke those who attempt to restrict thee to only one. Rebuke them who would tempt thee into sin.
9] And where in this is temptation? He hath one; Thou hast many. He hath only his; Thou hast thine and his both!
10] He is blind; thou art seeing twice.
11] Thou art the true seeker of God.
12] Thou art the keeper of unbiased reason.
13] Thou art wise, thou who understandeth, thou who knoweth, thou who ever learneth.
14] Stand and be proud, for thou art the guardian of truth, and the lover of thy God, and mighty art thou among men because of these things.

1] Beware of those who call themselves holy men of God and then turn to thee and trample thy purse.
2] Beware of those who tell thee that to give unto them is to give the same unto God.
3] For verily hath God become angry with them, and if thou supportest men such as these, thou wilt be guilty in the eyes of God also.
4] For how much of these things dost thou think that God seest?
5] Dost thou believe God's purse to be full of gold, on account of thy giving and thy brother's giving?
6] Dost thou believe God to receive any of these things?
7] God need not to receive riches from thee. All are his already.
8] Verily doth God despise the foolish who think in this way.
9] And also, beware of those who tell thee that to give unto them is to give the same unto the poor.
10] For verily are the poor still as poor.
11] Do not hire a man to do what thou may do as well or better, thy self.
12] Instead, go out of thy house and find thy brother who hath not, and give to him what thou wilt.
13] And give not for show, for in this action wilt thy God curse thee greatly.
14] Ever doth God despise the showy.
15] Do not give for any other reason but to give.
16] And do not trade thy brother's reception of thy gift for his service of thy God.
17] Because thou gavest unto him, do not expect that he should conform to thy beliefs and standards, for this also will cause thy God to become angry with thee. For what do these things matter to thy brother? What do these things matter to God?
18] Thy God can not be bought or sold.
19] How offerest thou Salvation anyway, if thou art falling thyself?
20] And what need hath thy brother of Salvation, if he is hungry.
21] And if thou givest to thy brother from out of thy purse, do not ask of him with what he will do with thy gift, for in this is sin.
22] And do not give to please God, for God doth not wish to see those who wish to be seen.
23] If thou givest to receive, thou would do better not to give at all.
24] For to give for any other reason but to give, will surely cause thy God to become wroth with thee.
25] Salvation and righteousness can not be bought nor sold, but damnation can indeed be bought.
26] Righteousness is difficult to acquire and impossible to buy, but the market place is full of folly which can be bought at any price.
27] Yea, give to the poor and to those who are in need, for this is the greatest of giving. This is the tithe that pleaseth God. There is no other.
28] And think not that giving are only these things of gold and silver, for there are many kinds of giving.
29] For if thy brother be rich beyond measure, and yet be saddened, and thou art able to remove his sadness, then this is the greatest of giving also.
30] And if thy brother need only company and nothing more, and thou givest him company, then thou hast given greatly.
31] Verily, there is no giving but to give, and there is no receiving but in need.
32] Receive not what thou needest not. But instead, tell him who giveth, to go unto him who needeth and give what he hath offered thee instead.
33] Yea, beware of those calling themselves holy men, who trample thy purse. Give only to those who need.
34] And by these things will God be greatly pleased with thee.

1] Receive not the children of Cain into thy congregation, for God will spew thee out because of this.
2] There is no reason but because of his curse and his nature, which are but one.
3] There hath been set before thee a path, and that path is hard.
4] And because of the restlessness of these children, wilt thou be caused to stumble overmuch.
5] And thou wilt risk falling from thy way even in times of thy standing fast.
6] Verily, these restless children can not look unto the heavens and that only. Ever are their minds consumed with restlessness.
7] Thy God hath given thee dominion over the animals, and these restless children are the highest of these.
8] Still there must be the ruler and the ruled.
9] Canst thou keep the lion as an companion? Will he not one day turn and rend thee?
10] Yea, for there must be command and obedience, and also caution. And because of this can the lion never be thy companion. Restless is he.
11] So is it with these restless ones. Their appearance hath deceived them to entre the congregation of man, but their nature hath caused great discomfort to them and all who know them.
12] Yea, beast unto beast, and man unto man. And each unto their own in righteousness.

1] Beware! Beware! Beware of the whore in her cunning!
2] For in her wicked praxis doth she disguise herself in divers ways.
3] Verily, doth she approach the unwary and say: I am as thee.
4] Beware, for this is a lie!
5] The serpent is only diverse in cunning and not in reason.
6] Verily, is the whore the destroyer of individuality. Verily, is she the great enemy of selfhood.
7] Her lust for the destruction of all who oppose her is great indeed.
8] And only after she hath tried and failed in her aim for domination, will she become as the humble, and approach thee in peace.
9] Beware of this, o thou aspiring one, for she will devour thy Wisdom and thy Understanding and twist them to conform with her own wickedness.
10] She will cause the name of thy God to be forgotten and will defile thy rites and cause thee to fall in their practice as she hath fallen.
11] Verily she will do these things and deceive thee by way of familiarity.
12] Let us worship together as one, she will say. Dost thou not see how our rites are similar? We are alike, you and I.
13] Close thine ears to this folly, o thou learning one.
14] Erect not the holy temple of God in the house of the whore, sayeth the Lord.
15] Keep careful watch over her, for when she hath discovered that she can not abolish thy learning, then she will look and see how she might use it to her advantage.
16] Be not fooled by her, o learning one. Be not fooled by her seeming familiarity and compromise.
17] Verily, is the whore the queen of restriction. With her, there is no compromise. Only deception and death are familiar unto her.
18] Her teachings have foundation on the religions that she hath devoured. And her survival dependeth on the execution of this wicked practice.

19] Come away from her, my children! Come away from thy whore and leave her to die, for God hath become wroth with her.
20] Be not deceived by her for another day.
21] Be thou not beside her when the Lord God Almighty reckons with her. Find not thyself standing beside her when her and her wicked father are thrown into the pit.
22] Verily, is she full of sin.
23] And though thou know it not, thou art sinning with her. Thou art fornicating with the adversary of righteousness.
24] Yea, she hath come in the name of I åo . But that man would never have had the company of such an abomination.
25] Verily, her fist hath grown heavy with gold, and her eyes have become filled with lust for the blood of the innocent.
26] She hath seduced an great multitude of men, and many have lied with her upon her bed and fornicated with her.
27] Yea, and her father hath come in the name of {Yehowah: God (Jehovah)}, and those who have worshipped this wicked spirit in the standing of , hath sinned greatly.
28] Keep not their company, my children, for in my dealing with them, will I set my face against thee also, thus sayeth the Lord.
29] Let the strong strike them down; let the weak deal with them by other means. For verily, hath the time come for God's judgment.
30] Also have the children of the whore come away with the Word of God and corrupted it with their filthy mouths.
31] Being filled with the spirit of wickedness have they pondered the Word of God and interpreted it wrongly.
32] And though the Lord God Almighty hath warned them not to add to or take away from his Holy Word, they have done so without care.
33] Verily, the house calling herself the house of god hath become a den of whore mongers.
34] Being the true House of God, accept not the whore or her father or even her children into thy congregation.
35] Woe be it unto those who heed not this warning.

36] Stand up and strike this whore down in her evil intentions. Abate and destroy her utterly, that even her memory shall stand no more.
37] Yea, I charge ye my children, crush the whore! Scatter her children and chastise them for their ignorance and idleness! Curse the evil spirit that hath deceived them, and bind him forever and forever by thine mighty Art!
38] Glory be to the Father and to the Sun and to the Holy Children of God. Glory be to the voice of the little red Goddess of Death.

1] Let there be no confusion over this work.
2] There are the weak and there are the strong. Each must be dealt with in a different fashion.
3] But let the strong aspire to be stronger, and he will be mighty.
4] Let the weak aspire to be stronger. These are not the weak.
5] Those who are able to strike, let them strike.
6] Those who can not, let them deal with their adversaries by other means, until they are able to strike.
7] The truly weak are the unrighteous, those who restrict themselves to one thing or nothing at all.
8] Strike them down, by any means, strike them down. Deal with them harshly, for they are worthless in the eyes of God and in the eyes of his children. They are the devourers of all which is true.
9] Ever doth God despise the coward.