Liber Two
The Book of Understanding
Parallel Figure
1] They have called me lazy and worthless, because my
hands are not callused and my arms are not strong.
2] Obviously there is conflict in the definition of the
word worthless, between theirs and mine, and also in the word strong.
3] They ask the question: What maketh a man to not
want to work and provide for himself? For they can not see anything
4] But I ask the question: What causeth a man to fall
fast asleep, to never again awaken? For to me nothing else matters.
5] In their eyes I am not whole, and in my eyes nor are
6] They have labeled me worthless and I have labeled
them fools.
7] They measure a man according to his motivation
in material matters, but I measure a man according to his motivation in
spiritual matters, and also his wisdom and understanding.
8] They have labeled me lazy, and so have I labeled them
the same.
9] For is it not more difficult to strive to find the
path that leadeth unto the dwelling place of thy God, than to strive for
wordly possessions?
10] And what of self perfection?
11] They have made themselves to feel superior, because
they seek prosperity, but I have found within me greatness, for I seek
12] They wish to condemn (me), for they themselves are
13] And they say unto me: Mine eyes have seen a thousand
pieces of gold.
14] But to this I say: Mine eyes have seen a million
15] In their haughtiness do they lust after worldly gain,
but humbly do I seek truth.
16] Truely do we live worlds apart, them and I. For all
the many things they have begat and what little I
have beheld, go without comparison.
1] Poor is the man who knoweth not God.
2] And cursed is the man who knoweth not God but hath
deceived himself in believing otherwise.
3] Lonely is the man who knoweth not God.
4] And verily shall he wax in misery on account of these
5] Haughty is the man who hath been deceived.
6] But humble is the man in the company of the All Mighty.
7] Loud is the man who hath been deceived.
8] Gentle is the man who walketh in righteousness.
9] Yea, precious in the eyes of God is he who sayeth:
know not.
10] Ever doth God love the humble. Ever doth he bring
the humble closer unto him.
11] So much doth God hate a narrow mind, for there is
no room that he may come and abide therein.
12] Wherever there is life, there is learning.
13] Wherever there is learning there is life.
14] There is no thou shalt not without thou
shalt, and these according to God's eternal laws.
15] There is no one way or another. There is only going.
16] The working in God's heavens can not exist without
17] An imbalance, however subtle, must be met with a
mutual yielding or a destruction; there is no other.
18] And these are the workings in the heavens of God.
19] And also is it with all of God's creations.
20] Art thou any different, that thou needest not balance?
21] Should God then allow thee to go about thy way without
22] Art thou so magnificent in the vastness of God's
creations, that the laws of God should yield to thee and go about without
a reckoning?
23] Woe be it to the man who is so proud, for God is
wroth with him.
24] Whether above or below. Whether strong or weak. Whether
bright or dark. All things are of God. There is no exception.
25] Dost thou hate those lower mysteries and wish to
destroy them?
26] Dost thou fear those dark things and wish them cast
down, where they would be found no more? Dost thou ask of God to help thee
in the destruction of these things?
27] Woe unto thee. Unto thee a thousand thousand woes,
thou murderer of God. An universe divided against itself can not stand.
28] Fearest thou not the star and the rite.
29] Fearest thou not the mystery nor those who understand.
30] Fearest thou not the number and the number nor the
result thereof.
31] Fearest thou not those things in hiding, calling
them wicked and without God and beyond creation. For in this shalt thou
32] This is the sin of which thou shalt find no forgiveness.
33] There is nothing beyond or below creation; There
are only God's creations.
34] God is everywhere and abounding. God is within and
everywhere around.
35] There is no thing which is not of God.
36] There is fear and there is fear. One is terror and
blasphemy, the other a yielding through strength.
37] There is a right way and a wrong way, yet every way
is a way. One must ultimately answer to the other in Love.
38] Yea, there is fear and there is fear. There is one
thing and there is the other, but all things are of God.
39] See that thou art not one nor the other. For to be
one and not the other, no matter which, is wickedness in the eyes of God.
1] Walk with thy brother if he come.
2] But if he doth not see, then leave him alone.
3] Do not impart thy wisdom unto thy brother if he will
not hear, for he will not hear.
4] Thou art not a savior to save, if thy brother be content
with dying; there is no other way.
5] Thou art not a savior to save, except of thyself.
6] But if thy brother come unto thee and ask for help,
do not turn him away.
7] Help those who want it; leave those to suffer who
would suffer.
8] But if thy brother come unto thee and ask for thy
help, do not help him overmuch. For in this thou wilt be of no help, but
a hindrance unto him and thou would cause thee to sin and him also.
9] And in these things use discretion.
1] Invoke thy God, and he will come.
2] Do not be afraid.
3] Invoke thy God day and night and when ever thou would
invoke him, but always with a pure heart and never without reverence.
4] And invoke thy God's holy messengers; in this there
is no wrong.
5] The house of God is vast and wonderful, and rich in
wisdom and understanding.
6] And also, do not be afraid to explore God in his darkness,
and this with caution, for thy receptacle must be pure and strong.
7] Again I say, fear these things not, and do not avoid
even one of them.
8] For how canst thou understand the day, if thou understandeth
not the night.
9] And how canst thou ever hope to come unto the light,
if thou hast lived all of thy days in darkness without reaching.
1] Yield not to any force of action thy brother would
bring against thee, unless it be in truth.
2] Be strong and stand up.
3] If thou must yield, then yield in strength.
4] Let not thy brother stand as a threat unto thee. Love
him, but smite him and abate him, lest he overpower thee and consume thee.
5] If thy brother smite thee, then smite him twofold,
and this in love.
6] If thy brother have not respect for thee, then stand
up and be an great object of respect. There are no room for cowards.
7] And if thy brother be to strong for thee, then invoke
the strength of God by name and seal, and thou wilt overpower.
8] Be not afraid of strength. Be not afraid to be to
powerful. And in this also must thou use discretion, for in all workings,
balance must not be forgotten.
1] Be not dismayed over loss, o thou aspiring one.
2] For in all things are there learning.
3] If thou hast found loss and thou hast learned nothing
from it, then thou hast lost more than thou knowest.
4] If thou hast found loss and thou hast learned something
therefrom, no matter how small, thou hast taken an great step towards the
kingdom of God.
1] Restrict thyself not to any one thing, for in this
inaction wilt thou have sinned greatly.
2] Love all things, for in all things are there learning.
3] For how canst thou ever hope to come unto thy Father's
house if thou rebuketh thy brother in his learning, and he is the only
one who hath knowledge of thy next step?
4] Rebuke nothing, save it be tried and fail.
5] Even if it would seem that thy brother know nothing,
yea, he knoweth something, no matter how great or how insignificant it
may seem.
1] Support thy brother in all of his actions, even if
they be worthless or arbitrary or even blasphemy in thine eyes.
2] For if thou thinkest them to be worthless or blasphemy
or any other, how knowest thou this to be true? Because thou hast decided
so? Who art thou anyway, but another particle of dust on the road to the
house of God?
3] Thou mayest give thy brother advise if thou should
see it needed, but thou should not remove thy helping words nonetheless.
4] Yea, support thy brother in all of his actions, even
if involvement may be impossible, thou mayest support him still. There
is no harm.
5] And these things are pleasing in the eyes of God.
1] Rebuke not thy brother in his blasphemy, o thou lover
of thy God.
2] For in his blasphemy, he is not unlike thee in thy
3] Verily, there is love and there is love. There is
no difference.
4] One man may attain through perpetual glorification
of his God through prayer.
5] Another may attain through perpetual blasphemy of
his God through prayer.
6] There is no difference, so long as he enflame himself
therewith. Yea, enflame thyself with prayer.
7] All paths lead unto the same place, for in the end,
there is one place and one place only.
8] There is blasphemy and there is glorification. Both
things are prayer, so long as they be done in reverence.
9] Blessed is the man soever, so long as he hath chosen
a path.
10] Woe be it unto the man who careth not one way or
11] And in this is another mystery.
1] Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
2] Anything and everything desired may be obtained by
force of Will.
3] The Will is desire, likened unto a sleeping lion.
4] If the Will is to be applied as an dominant force,
it must be sound and singular as a whole.
5] Any idea or desire that is contrary to the nature
of that which is being Willed, or contrary to the averse of that which
is being Willed, is detrimental to the whole.
6] The Will, as an effective force, is single in its
entirety, the parts thereof being one thing and that same thing averse,
7] If the Will is single, then it becomes dominate over
any other force.
8] If the Will is single in duality, then it must become
manifest. This is the law of nature.
9] The foundation of Will is Lust. It is an impulsive,
though a perpetually reliable force.
10] In every case, Lust is the foundation of Will.
11] The Will is composed of three things: The thing desired,
Lust, and the half death. These three things combined, bring assured success.
12] The thing desired, standing alone, is inferior.
13] Lust, standing alone, is inferior.
14] The half death, standing alone, is inferior.
15] Together, they are a superior method of working.
16] Once the Will is one, the work may be brought to
17] Once the goal hath been obtained, then the faculties
may be turned in another direction.
18] Premature re-direction is detrimental to both pending
actions, the former and the new.
19] When the Will, complete with its constituents, is
one, a force is perpetuated and the wheels of destiny are set in motion.
20] Circumstance must bend to the implacable demands
of concentrated Will.
21] Though it is true that Lust is the foundation of
Will, the humor of the Magus is the framework of every working.
22] The confidence of the individual should be uncorrupted
and unbending, but still remain as a sleeping lion.
23] Any thought, concern, or rationalization, contrary
to the nature of the working and the law, is detrimental to the Will.
24] Whenever one thing truly belongeth to another thing,
and these things are brought together into one, there is annihilation.
25] There are many of these, and also only one. None.
Nothing is the perfection of the All.
26] Love is the law, love under will.