Parallel Figure
1] In my little room was I praying and calling on the
name of God and invoking him.
2] And there did appear in my midst a mighty being.
3] And speaking, did he say unto me: Write the things
which I am to show thee, for the time is at hand.
4] The children of God have been wicked indeed. And there
hath been called by God a great reckoning.
5] Yea, must the sons of man repent of their sins against
6] For to long have they spat upon the word of God, calling
this thing which they have done, holiness.
7] Woe! Woe! Woe be it unto them who have blasphemed
in the face of God.
8] Woe be it unto those who follow after the great whore.
9] For God hath set his face against them who have murdered
his son, those who have stood upon his word and rendered it unintelligible
by their mumblings and their commentary thereof.
10] Verily, they have faltered in the presentation
of this matter, for this was not mine intention, sayeth the Lord.
11] Aye, have they served the evil one well.
12] Vehemently have they spat at the words of the prophet.
13] They have confined themselves to the one, and verily
was it not enough, yea, and too much, for they are bound by folly.
14] In blasphemy have they contradicted one with the
other, calling one act of God holy and another wickedness, because it did
not conform with their folly.
15] In blasphemy have they contradicted one with the
other, obeying one law of God to their delight and disregarding another,
because it did not conform with their folly.
16] In blasphemy have they contradicted one with the
other, condemning one man of certain crimes of which they themselves are
17] Yea, in these things have they blasphemed, contradicting
one with the other, limiting the nature of God to their own misunderstanding.
18] Yea, have they blasphemed, limiting the nature of
19] I am ashamed of them, sayeth the Lord.
20] They have become a race of barbarians, rebuking those
who are strange unto them, and raping and murdering the innocent.
21] The Lord hath become saddened with them, for their
hands have become full of much blood.
22] Also, in their actions have they likened me unto
a fool, sayeth the Lord.
23] In their opposition with the evil one have they not
found a balance, and thus have they become as the evil one himself, and
thus becoming his slave.
24] I will smite the nations with my rod, sayeth
the Lord, for too long have they been lead astray by the evil one.
25] Long have they been wooed unto the bed of the
whore and fornicated with her.
26] Aye, they have set themselves up in pride upon
the potters shelf, but I will smite them with my rod and smash them into
pieces, sayeth the Lord, for they have become as unclean vessels.
1] And then did I see, standing in the heavens, a mighty
messenger of God, and he spake unto me saying:
2] O wretched one, o wretched one, sorrowful is thy day
and time.
3] With open eyes and smiling faces do they watch for
the coming millennium, for they think that is the hour of my coming, and
also they think that they are ready.
4] Without fear do they await my wrath. They shame themselves
and mock me in this way.
5] Do they not know that I will crush them? Do they not
know that I hate them.
6] Of all my creations, they are the worst.
7] I set them above the animals, yet the beast of the
field deserveth more blessings than they.
8] I sent my son unto them that they might have a foundation
for the beginnings of all knowing, yet they have piled great heaps of dung
upon it and have deceived themselves thereby.
9] Four times before had I sent him among them, yea and
twice thereafter, and also seven before, but all was in vain.
10] The fifth of the seventh came unto them in peace
and they murdered his flesh and raped the wisdom which he offered them,
for they were sleeping and he had woke them for but a time, and it angered
11] A fool despiseth knowledge of his folly.
12] The sixth I sent unto them in a great chastening,
and they rebuked him yet again, for they were sleeping and he threatened
to wake them and it angered them.
13] Verily, a fool enjoyeth his escape into slumber.
14] Thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts unto the multitudes:
15] Concern thyself not with the first four of these
ancient ones, nor the seven before them, for there is one in thy midst
in this day and time, whom thou suspect not.
16] Let not thine attention wander, for soon he will
be gone, and soon after shall I return unto thee in anger.
17] Better ye prepare for my wrath, for seven and seven
times have I sent my son, and seven and seven times have ye rebuked my
gifts of mercy.
18] Ye will not know me.
19] Woe! Woe be it to those who follow after the great
whore, for them shall there be eternal suffering and damnation. The grave
shall swallow them up and spit them out, again and again.
20] And unto thee my child:
21] A blessing art thou my seventh of my seventh born,
yet a curse shalt thou be unto them.
22] And woe unto thee, for thou hast caught them sleeping
yet again.
23] But come unto me my faithful child and write all
of the things which I am about to tell thee and send them unto the nations
as a letter of awakening.
24] And when thou writest unto them, write not unto them
as many, but as one.
25] For the sons of man are not many, but one, one man.
26] And short hath his one life become.
1] In this book there is found little prophesy, for the
time of concern is now.
2] Thou wilt not hear the voice of the prophets.
3] Thou wilt heed no warnings.
4] Open thine eyes, I say, and see what is about thee.
5] If thou believest not the prophets of old, canst thou
not see for thyself that the time is at hand?
6] Canst thou not see the woeful world in which thou
7] Canst thou not see the end thyself?
8] Canst thou not see what thou hast done, o thou loud
and haughty scoffer?
9] Thou rebukest the prophet, and say that he is mad,
and go about merry.
10] Thou rebukest the healer, and say that he is filled
with death.
11] Thou rebukest the man who loveth the earth, and say
that he worships the evil one.
12] Thou rebukest not the ignorant nor the charlatan,
but instead praise them and call them men of God.
13] Thou rebukest any and all truth, for thou hast cast
lots for my ancient and holy books and divided them up, blaphemously choosing
one over the other, reading few and understanding none.
14] Thou rebukest not the curse of Cain, and though he
smite thee, thou rebukest him not. Instead thou rebukest any who rebuke
him. Thou wouldest receive even a dog into thy congregation if it could
add but one more pence to thy purse.
15] Thou hast accepted his violent blood into thy congregation,
and this in my name.
16] Restless was his father, and his father before him,
yea, even unto their first ancestor Cain. And restless will he be always
and forever, for this was his curse.
17] Canst thou keep the company of a smiter without being
18] Canst thou keep from smiting a smiter forever? Canst
thou keep peace forever with the perpetually wroth? Nay, for he will rise
up against thee for a weakling.
19] Hast thou patience forever for the voracious wild
animal, who could never see thee as any help?
20] Wilt thou have patience forever, when thou goest
unto him each day to feed him and appease him and he biteth thine hand
on thine every return?
21] Wilt thou have love for him when thou goest unto
him and thou hast no food to offer him and there is none else to be found.
22] Thou hast tried to teach love to the devourer, the
murderer and destroyer, and thou knowest nothing of the laws of love thyself.
And in this, thou hast shewn that thou knowest nothing of the laws of God.
23] Thou hast defiled thy house in ways without number.
24] Thou honorest not the house which I have given thee.
25] Thou hast rebuked my chosen and held fast to the
26] Therefore, have I set one in thy midst who is indeed
wretched, that thou mayest listen to him and instead be saved.
1] And after that great being had spoken, was I then
met by another being, who brought me to a place which was familiar unto
2] And he spake unto me saying: Look and see.
3] And I looked and saw.
4] And there did I witness the crimes of man.
5] Every wickedness, I saw and understood.
6] And thereby I wept much, for of all the things which
I witnessed, I saw no righteousness.
7] There was not one to be found, in all the earth, who
was pure of heart.
8] And I turned unto the being who brought me there,
and I asked of him: Is this what will become of my people?
9] And he answered me saying: Thou hast seen no tomorrow
nor yesterday. Thou art seeing them as they are.
10] And turning again unto the earth, did I wax in sadness
yet again.
11] Then did the being, whom I was with, begin to point
out to me all manner of horror and explain them unto me, saying: Look and
12] And I looked and saw. And In one direction, he pointed,
and I saw a great prostitute, and lying with her on her bed were her father
and her children.
13] And all of them were drunken with her, and fornicated
with her openly, and hid themselves not.
14] Nor were they ashamed of their nakedness.
15] And looking, I saw that the four corners of her bed
were situated on the four corners of the earth.
16] Then did I ask the being: What meaneth this?
17] And he said unto me: The woman whom thou sawest on
the bed is a church and many churches.
18] They have established themselves in the name of IhsouV {Greek: Yesous - Jesus},
and so have identified themselves wrongly.
19] She is a vile and filthy woman who hath twisted the
teachings of this holy one.
20] The man whom thou sawest lying on the bed is her
21] He hath identified himself with {Yehowah:
God (Jehovah)} and hath done so wrongly also.
22] Verily, in doing so have they blasphemed.
23] And the multitudes thou sawest lying on the bed with
them and fornicating with them, are their congregation, those whom they
have deceived.
24] The four corners of her bed are standing on the four
corners of the earth, for there is no place in the earth that she hath
not defiled.
25] She is a vile and filthy disease, and she hath infected
26] Yea, she hath lead many astray.
27] Out of the children of God, she hath wrought a band
of murderers and malefactors, an multitude of false prophets and charlatans.
28] They have all been deceived by an evil spirit who
hath come in the name of
hath become wroth with this evil spirit for the wrong that he hath done.
1] Then did I see the whore and her children rise up
in the name of , which the evil spirit had
taken wrongly, and smite every nation and every tongue who would not lie
with her on her bed and fornicate with her.
2] Then did she become wroth with them and begin to vomit
from her mouth and do violence to them.
3] Raving, she blasphemed their Gods and desecrated their
temples and holy places, rebuking them and accusing them and calling them
4] Verily, hath the accuser stablished himself in the
house of the whore.
5] Cursed is she for this crime, for if thou blaspheme
the name of another man's God, God almighty will become wroth with thee,
for in doing this, wilt thou have blasphemed him also.
6] Then did she embrace those whom she had led astray,
and take them unto her bed.
7] And this because she had promised them hope.
1] Then did I see the ones, whom the whore had led astray,
stumbling, as if they were walking in a great darkness.
2] Disillusioned and frightened were they, for they knew
not where to go.
3] For they had found to late, that the whore could not
fulfill her promises.
4] And also did they find too late, that her father was
an lying and deceiving, and wicked spirit.
5] And then, in their stumbling and darkness, did they
go about the earth, to and fro, and wander about aimless.
6] Truly were they lost, for she had convinced them that
they knew nothing, and ignorant were they.
7] Verily, she had convinced them there was no other
that could be likened unto her.
8] Though they knew her to be a deceiver, she had convinced
them strongly.
9] And thus did they wander about the earth, to and fro,
going from house to house, and stumbling in their darkness.
10] And I looked and saw and these are the things which
I witnessed of the whore and her father and their wicked children.
1] And then did the being, whom I had known, point in
another direction, saying: Look and see.
2] And I looked and saw. And standing before me, I saw
two great beasts that looked like man and woman, but they were not.
3] And though they strove to present themselves as man,
their nature and their appearance did betray them.
4] And dark were these beasts and restless were they
and filled with much violence.
5] And looking, I saw the nations fornicating with them
and bringing forth children. In a seeming nature had they become friendly
with one another.
6] And then did I witness the two beasts smite the nations
and abate them, and bring them much sorrow and violence. And this because
they had themselves been smitten past.
7] And though the nations tried in their efforts, they
could appease them not.
8] Only, did the two beasts become more brazen and smite
a little more each day, until I began to hear peoples within the nations
weeping and crying out.
9] And looking to the being, I said: What meaneth this?
10] And he said unto me: The two beasts which thou sawest
were once man, but are no longer.
11] Once did a certain man walk the earth as a man, and
live his life as a man.
12] But one day, he went unto his brother in anger and
murdered him.
13] And then did his brother's blood cry out to God,
and God heard him.
14] Then did God go unto the man, who had murdered his
brother, and curse him for this thing which he had done.
15] And in cursing him did God afflict him much, for
God had marked him that all who saw him would know him.
16] Because this man chose to behave as an animal, as
an animal was he to live out the rest of his days. And he was afflicted
17] And in bringing forth children of his own seed did
he multiply his curse.
18] But also did God protect him, that any who murdered
him, would be cursed sevenfold. And this because his appearance would frighten
all who saw him, and they might wish to kill him also.
19] And then did his children multiply, and they and
their curse.
20] And because none were allowed to smite them, did
they become brave and went about smiting freely.
21] And thus were there much violence common to their
blood, so that they became a restless nation.
22] And none who saw them would smite them, though they
were smitten, for they remembered the curse of the man who murdered the
father of these children.
23] The two beasts whom thou sawest are descendants of
the man who murdered his brother.
24] And so strong is their blood with restlessness and
violence that time can not abate it.
25] They were once cast out from the people, but now
have they returned.
1] Then did I witness the two beasts bringing forth children
with the nations and with one another, until they were great in number.
2] Then did I witness the two beasts and their children
become angry, for they were wroth with the curse that God had given them.
And though they efforted much, this curse would not be weakened or dissolved.
3] Then did the being say unto me: In this there are
three woes.
4] And as soon as the being had spoken, the two beasts
and their children rose up and smote a great number of people.
5] And following thereafter was silence for a time and
a time.
6] And in this silence did the beasts and their children
seethe without rest, for there were yet two woes.
7] Then did I witness the two beasts and their children
rise up and smite the people again, yea, and a greater number fell.
8] And following thereafter was there a second silence.
9] And before the silence was about to pass again, I
heard on earth thunderings and rumblings, for the second woe had passed
and the third woe was now at hand.
10] At this, did I plead with the being, saying: Stop
this! Stop this thing before it is two late.
11] For the number of the two beasts and their children
are great, and when they reach forth there hand, they will smite many.
12] And the being answered me saying: I can not. Thou
can not.
13] And I looked and saw and these are the things which
I witnessed of the two beasts and the children they brought forth.
1] Then did the being, whom I had known, point in another
direction, saying: Look and see.
2] And I looked and saw. And there I saw two great and
mighty warriors standing in battlements, and below them stood other warriors.
3] And angry with each other were these two warriors
and the ones who stood beside them.
4] And coming together, they clashed in a great violence
that caused the earth to quake and rumble, and because of them did many
5] And thereafter was there silence for a time and a
6] Nothing could be heard but the other warriors who
stood beside the two great warriors, and they were shouting and fighting
with one another.
7] And when this happened, the two greater warriors would
smite the other warriors and cause them to again be silent.
8] And after the silence had passed, the two great warriors
came together yet again in a great clash of thunder and lightening and
fire and all manner of horror.
9] Thus were there many more deaths because of them.
10] And thereafter, there followed another silence.
11] And as before, nothing could be heard but the quarreling
of the other warriors who stood beside the two great warriors.
12] And again would the two great warriors smite them
and silence them.
13] And I looked and saw and these are the things which
I witnessed of the two great warriors and the warriors who stood beside
1] Then did the being, whom I had known, point in another
direction, saying: Look and see.
2] And I looked and saw. And there did I see the most
beautiful woman I had ever seen.
3] So beautiful was she, and brought forth many children.
Countless beyond number were her children and she loved them all.
4] And then did the evil one come upon them and they
began to defile and hurt her much.
5] Many did her children come unto her to defile her,
and having no remorse for what they had done to her.
6] And thus did she become wroth with them and began
to knock them down and hurt them also.
7] But soon was she quickened in her love for them and
her anger was silenced because of this.
8] And having patience with them, she smote them no more,
but for a time.
9] Then did I witness her children return unto her that
they might defile her yet again and cause her more pain.
10] And so did she become wroth with them again, and
rose up against them to smite them for the affliction that they had become
to her.
11] But soon after was she quickened again in her love
for them, and thus was her anger silenced.
12] And unto her a voice came from out of heaven and
spake, saying: Unruly have thy children become, o thou beautiful one.
13] I have set thee as a most precious gem in mine crown
and they behold not thy beauty.
14] Twice have I heard thee cry out in pain and become
wroth with them.
15] These things I will not stand idly by and witness
without intercession.
16] If thou should cry out a third time, will I come
and strike them down for their crimes against thee.
17] Yea, these children will have never seen such a day.
So sayeth I.
18] And I looked and saw, and these are the things which
I witnessed of the beautiful woman and her children and the mighty voice
which came out of heaven.
1] Then did the being, whom I had known, carry me up
above all these things, saying: Thou art now to see things which must come.
2] And pointing downward, he said: Look and see.
3] And I looked and saw. And thus did I witness many
things and many evil happenings and all manner of horror yet to come.
4] In every direction were there confusion and all manner
of blasphemy without count.
5] And thus did I see the whore and her children rise
up in anger against the just, for she had deceived all but a few, and she
was now many strong.
6] And with her came the worshipers of åàçà
à and battled alongside of her, though they knew it not, for they
are both deceived by the same spirit.
7] Also did the two beasts rise up and smite the nations
in a great smiting, for they were to great many in number also.
8] And then did the two great warriors ready themselves,
and also the warriors who followed them, for they saw each other's calamity
for weakness.
9] And there were loud thunderings and roaring and great
fires everywhere.
10] And then did I hear the beautiful woman cry out,
and she rose up in anger and began to smite her children.
11] Thus did she quake and rumble and frighten her children
12] Then did I witness her opening up her mouth and swallowing
her children up.
13] Verily, she opened up her mouth and swallowed hundreds
and hundreds and many hundreds.
14] Also did her belly churn and roar in a great violence.
15] And with her mouth did she blow upon them in a great
breath, yea, and many breaths, and by these things did her children fall
in great number.
16] And hearing her cry out, did God become wroth with
her children also, and began to observe them in their wickedness.
17] And God remembered his oath unto the beautiful woman.
18] And thus did he send forth his spirit unto her to
torment and to cause great pain to her children.
19] So violent was the spirit of God and did bring upon
her children plague and disease and fear and torment. And they hid themselves
from the wrath of God.
20] And the skies did whirl and thunder and tear them
from their hiding places.
21] And fire did come down from heaven and burn them
22] And the seas did churn and bubble and wash them away,
23] And the earth did tremble and swallow them up.
24] Then did I cry out to him who lives forever: Is there
not any righteous to be found among them? Are there not any that may be
spared? Must the righteous perish with the wicked?
25] Thou art a loving and merciful God. I beg thee, spare
those who may be spared.
26] And then did the Lord God Almighty, who liveth forever
and forever, observe them again, and yea, he found a few who had stayed
pure of heart and had kept his commandments.
27] And listening he heard them calling out to him. Even
in the midst of all this trouble, when all else were cursing him, his righteous
were invoking him by law.
28] Yea, were the children of God invoking him by name
and burning incense unto him and wearing beautiful garments and precious
stones which were pleasing unto his eyes.
29] Verily had they stayed faithful through all manner
of turmoil and tragedy.
30] They had not been lead astray.
31] Then did God say unto his heart: I have never seen
such a sight.
32] Then did God stretch forth his arm and throw wide
the doors of a mighty gate.
33] And I saw what seemed, to me, to be a mighty pool
of water in the heavens.
34] And all of the children of God, who had remained
faithful and wise, were caught up unto the firmament and were seen no more,
for God had taken them.
1] Then did I look down upon them with pity, who were
left, for they were not taken.
2] And though the earth were rent and torn greatly, because
of the arm of God, did they not repent and invoke the Lord God Almighty,
who liveth forever and forever, for the hour had already passed and they
knew not the key, for they would not listen when there was yet safety.
3] And angry was God with them because they did not repent,
and thus began to smite the earth with fire and with flame and with a great
4] So great was this rending, that the grave opened wide
her mouth and the dead did spill out upon the face of the earth.
5] And the sea did rise unto the heavens.
6] And there were fire and rushing winds and great thunder
and lightening.
7] Never were there such a day in all the days of the
8] And in all the earth there could be found no place
in peace, for the beautiful woman was giving up her ghost.
9] Verily, in that day were there many fallen, and in
darkness had they found no refuge, for the sun was not seen for days and
days and many days.
10] Terror had come unto them and known them sorely,
for there were not one stone left standing upon another.
11] Few did survive that wretched day.
12] And when the hour had passed were there heard wailing
and cursing and moaning, for the Spirit of God had left them.
13] Then did I see the passing of a thousand years and
many days, and in this time did the whore not open up her mouth, for she
had fallen for because.
14] And the sons of man did wander the face of the earth
aimless and in sorrow and mourning, for the day of reckoning would not
leave them.
15] And in these days of wandering and sorrow and mourning,
were their feet pierced through with thistle and stone, and their hands
caked with blood on account of these things, and did their heads become
bald and their skin as tattered and worn leather.
16] Verily, they had become as dead trees.
17] Then did I look and see that the moon had turned
to blood, and in crossing the sky, did she bleed much unto the ground.
18] And the sons of man did look upon her in fear, for
they knew that the last prophesy had been fulfilled and the final day had
19] They had come thus far, only to meet the second death.
20] And I looked and saw the sons of man standing before
the rising sun, and looking, they saw that she shown no more as she had
shown, but that she was filled with the blood of revenge.
21] And then did I see the sons of man begin to pant
as dogs, and dig holes and lie under rocks and pray unto God to bring them
rain, but God did not hear them, and no rain fell.
22] Then did I see the heavens, as it were, soaked with
much blood, and for many days, until the azure sky of yesterday were forgotten
in the minds of man.
23] Then did I see the earth and the sun embrace one
another, and did I hear the sons of man wailing and gnashing their teeth,
for there were fire and hell and torment.
24] And a great lake and sea of flame were opened up
unto them and they and all the earth and all that were in it and all that
were in the seas and all that were in the air were burned up forever and
25] And I looked and saw, and I witnessed the things
which were to come, and did I understand the mystery of the lake of fire
and of those who are to be tormented in hell forever.
1] Then did all these things pass and I saw a little
shepherdess whose skin was as fair and as white as milk.
2] And this shepherdess could not be likened unto any
other I had seen before, for about her head were burning as of the burning
of the head of a saint.
3] Then did I hear her call her sheep unto her, for the
night had grown cold, and they were yet to be prepared for the great feast
and set upon the banquet table of the house of God.
4] Then did I witness her casting a mighty Magick Circle,
and invoking the Lord God by name, and thus did she bring all things into
one, yea, even as I.
5] Then did I turn to the being whom I had known and
ask of him: Now that I have seen these things and know that which is and
that which is to come, what hath become of the children of God who were
taken up?
6] And he took me by the hand and carried me away unto
another place.
7] And beautiful was this place, such as I had never
seen before this time.
8] And looking I saw the children of God rejoicing in
the place which they had come to know. And in a beautiful garden did I
see them.
9] And mighty were they there, and strong, and there
were no more sorrow nor pain nor death, for they had come through the first
death and thereby had they precedence over the tree.
10] Then did the being whom I had known speak unto me,
saying: These are the children of God and blessed are they, for while on
the earth, which is no more, they wore their holy garments and did not
go about naked.
11] Faithfully did they keep the holy commandments of
God and blasphemed them not with vulgar understandings.
12] Neither did their tongues speak untrue, and for this
did God reward them greatly.
13] And listening, I heard the voice of God speak unto
them saying:
Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.
14] And listening again I heard the voice command of
them: Ye may eat of any tree of the garden, but the tree of the Knowledge
of Good and Evil ye may not eat. For if ye should eat of this tree, ye
will surely die.
15] And I looked and saw, and I witnessed the new earth
and the children of God rejoicing in the garden, and thereby did I understand
another great mystery.
16] And then did I hear many voices coming from out of
heaven and they were saying:
17] Glory be to God for he is great!
18] Glory be to God for he is abounding and exceedingly
19] Glory be to God who giveth and taketh away!
20] Glory be to the judgment and the mercy of God!
21] Glory be to the creations of God, for all things
are him and created by him!
22] Glory be to the children of God, for they are in
him, and he in them!
23] Glory be to the great mysteries of God!
24] Glory be to the Tree and the Fruit of the Tree, and
to the order and the operation thereof!
25] Glory be to the Father and to the Mother and to the
Son who brought all these things into existence through the Spirit!
26] Glory be to the Spirit of the Son and his Knowledge!
27] Glory! Glory! Glory be to God!
28] Then did the being whom I had known say unto me:
Thou hast done well to record the things which have been revealed unto
thee. An end to this thing which hath begun with thee. Unto thee glory
also, for thou hast opened the Eye.