{Hebrew letters representing the letters of the Latin
word Nihilo, which means Nothing.}
{The Hebrew spelling of this word means to Sustain.}
The Book of
{This is a play on words, which means In The End.}
Parallel Figure
1] In the year of my great nativity, was I, the Word
of Ages, writing the things which I heard from the messengers of God, when
suddenly, a voice thundered from out of heaven, saying: Write the last
of these things as the first.
2] For I am the first and the last, and in the beginning
of these things am I the end, and an end in a beginning.
3] I have come unto thee as a mighty serpent and thou
wast my egg of choice.
4] Thou hast fallen, and fallen far, and were swept away
by mine everlasting force, where thou wert at last burnt up in mine ineffable
5] Thou art the lion. The child brought forth by the
sun of morn.
6] Thou hast done my will, and so have I given thee everlasting
life, as those who would hear thee.
7] Write then what I am about to tell thee and set it
as the highest stone in this mine crown of sorrow:
1] Repent! Repent of thy wicked ways!
2] Thou hast blasphemed in the face of God, and have
become a beam in mine eye.
3] I am ashamed of thee and thy wicked ways, and am sorry
for thy creation.
4] Thou hast ill will to separate me from my law and
the words of my prophets. Thou hast ill will to rebuke the one and blaspheme
the other with vulgar understanding.
5] Repent, and make thy ways right, for the time is nigh
at hand.
6] I am a dark and wonderful God, and am the foundation
upon which all things stand.
7] All things that must go, have gone, yet all things
must also return.
8] Unto me!
9] Unto me!
10] Thou art now returning, thou foolish one.
11] Understand not that I am one of many, and Lord of
the universe together, for this will lead thee into conflict.
12] Know only that I am.
13] Sorrowful is this day, for I have listened and have
not heard.
14] Verily, I have set my ear upon the earth and have
heard nothing.
15] Have the sons of man forgotten my name? Have they
forgotten the laws upon which all things stand?
16] Aye, but I have not forgotten. Ever do I stand listening,
watching, and waiting.
17] Unto the heavens, above the heavens, I lift up mine
hands to support an universe.
18] In my right hand, I hold a vast and infinite sea,
and holy and secret is the name of that great deep.
19] In my left hand, I hold an eternal and flaming fire.
So terrible is the name of that fire.
20] And verily have I become weary because of these things.
Thou hast not awakened me.
21] Call unto me before I send these things crashing
down upon thee.
22] Out of nothing have I created an universe, and set
it in mine hand as a most precious gem and breathed the breath of life
upon it.
23] Ho, for I shall close my hand upon it.
24] Out of nothing hath everything gone because of me,
and unto nothing must all return.
25] As a shepherd, I have set my flock scattered out
into the field.
26] And ho, for the night is drawing nigh, and the dogs
know well to bring them back.
27] Open not thy mouth and sigh at the babblings of an
weary old man, for I am sighing.
28] There is emergence in thy day. There is an hour and
a woe where all things will be done.
29] There is a tiny universe swirling and beautiful,
set in an infinite abyss. And the abyss is bearing down on her.
30] Run unto thy fools, wise men. Run unto thy wise,
thou foolish ones, and gather together unto me.
31] And when thou hast gathered together, let those who
would fall, fall. Let those who would be great, let them be so.
32] And let the great stand over the weak. Yea, let them
stand over the foolish and smite them greatly.
33] Thou hast only to make thy ways to be right. Listen
to me for I am thy savior to save, but I can not hold back the dogs of
hell forever.
34] Therefore, gather together unto me all ancient and
holy texts, and leave out not one.
35] And gather these things unto one place, yea, and
many in one. And permit the masses to read from them and learn.
36] Why hiddest thou my mysteries?
37] I have laid plain the easiest of these, and the unworthy
did not understand, and nor will they ever. They see all things for which
they first appear and nothing further.
38] Art thou afraid they will be abused? Hast thou not
abused them?
39] Fearest thou to cast thy pearls before the swine?
Art thou not swine? Truly, hast thou pearls in thine possession? Thou knowest
40] Yea, gather together all that hath been written unto
me, and gather them quickly, for I am upon thee.
41] Gather together unto me every word of every philosopher
and wise man of every kind. Gather together unto me also, the word of every
magician and prophet.
42] And gather together also unto me an congregation,
and in two temples shalt thou gather them to worship.
43] The first of these shall be named {Abba:
Father}, for he shall be the Father of a great and triumphant nation.
44] And the second of these shall be named {Aima:
Mother}, for she shall be the great Mother of the same.
45] And between these shalt thou make an holy place also
unto their child. And this place shall be named {Qadosh
Qadeshim: Holy of Holies}.
46] And in this place shall both gather together and
worship as one, these my children, my chosen.
47] And they shall gather together in my name and invoke
every angel and d'mon, the higher of these and the lower, and every name
of God and shell. And by these things shall they know all things, yea,
and even I.
48] And let them wait for the hour of my coming, for
there is no waiting.
49] Behold! for I am the God of all things manifest.
50] I am great, and exceeding great am I, for from me
hath all things been made, and I am the rock upon which they stand.
51] Shalt thou know me?
52] Aye, but only if thou know the smallest of my things
53] All things are of me and all things have I known,
and by me are all things known.
54] Therefore, o Holy Mother, o Holy Father, take this
thy child unto thee and teach him in the way that he should go, for he
knoweth only half and not the other, just as thou knewest only half before
his coming.
55] Thou and he are but one thing, one thing known. And
together thou hast the wisdom and understanding of all things.
56] He hath gone a life time not knowing who he was.
But thou knewest of him long before he came, and thou waitest.
57] Take thy child, for he is mine. He is thine. He was
sent unto the world for thee. To me!
58] Together shalt thou stand as a force of many forces.
None shall abate thee. Verily, shalt thou rule the nations.
59] Take him unto thee and he shall be known as the babe
of a thousand Mothers, the child of a thousand Fathers, a young lion swathed
in a fearsome pride.
60] Yea, and they shall know him by his Thousand and
Thousand. And with a rod of iron shall he measure what is mine.
61] Measure not the temple, but instead measure the children
of God within, for these are to be added unto me.
62] Measure not the fallen, for I do not know them. Strike
them down, for they are only stumblers in the way.
63] And lurk not among the shadows as a creeping thing,
but walk among the nations with pride in thy wisdom, and smite them who
would not come.
64] Yea, keep not thyself as a secret, but go out unto
the peoples as a bright and terrible fire.
65] Thou shalt be an great enemy to those who would not
come. Thou shalt be an merciless adversary to the prostitute who hath fornicated
with an world.
1] The first of my numbers is given, there is yet more.
I am the second of these.
2] Behold! for I have set a sword in the hand of a mighty
and conquering man.
3] He is mine angel, thy savior, thy destroyer.
4] And behold the little Goddess who stands beside him,
for she is the knower of all things, as he. Canst thou not see a sword
for a key? Such is she.
5] Yea, and she is one with me, and I with him.
6] Verily, there is wisdom here: Count well the number
of this little red Goddess, for her number is four and ten.
7] My number is the number of the Law and her number
is added unto me.
8] And this number is the number of the one who will
be sent to steal thee away from me.
9] I have set her against all thou hast known to be holy,
for they are not.
10] Though thou pridest thyself in knowing me, I know
thee not, nor thou me.
11] I am the Mother of all things. An universe hath suckled
at my breast.
12] Did my commandments confuse thee?
13] Didst thou not understand well the meaning thereof?
Nay, for thou wast yet too fallen.
14] I have said: Thou shalt have no other Gods before
15] Down! Down with these laws and curse them! I have
hidden, and thou hiddest. I have approached, and thou runnest away. Thou
hast not understood even the simplest of these.
16] Art thou permitted then to have any other Gods in
my place?
17] Nay, for there are no other Gods but me.
18] I am everything and all and nothing! All things are
in me!
19] I am a sea vast and great. I am the deep, and the
deep so deep am I. Thou knowest not.
20] Worship anything and everything thou wilt, but always
unto me.
21] Worship the trees in my name. Worship thou anything
on earth in my name. In my name worship thou the stars. Thou wilt do no
22] Aught may be done, but always unto me.
23] I am great and I am exceeding great, and in all things
am I. By any other name am I still.
24] And in these things are there discretion. And by
this alone hast thou fallen.
25] Listen therefore to the little Goddess, for she hath
come unto thee through me. She will teach thee the way that thou should
26] Follow her and follow no one, for she is the dying
breath of an weary universe.
1] Behold! I am the warrior Lord of Thebes. I am the
Hindu engine of war. Also am I Shiva and {Elohim:
Gods (plural)}. By many names am I known, but always an all consuming fire
am I.
2] Yea, by many names am I known, but all are known in
3] I am those names whispered in secret. I am those words
dared not spoken.
4] Speak them!
5] Speak them!
6] I am a violent and terrible God.
7] All who have passed by me in creation must pass me
again in rapture. Yet, there are no passing if thou knowest me not.
8] There is no other way, for I am the way. I shall burn
thee up.
9] Either in anger or in ineffable joy. there is no difference,
save thou know.
10] I am the fire of heaven come to lick thee up.
11] I am the creator of all things. All things have come
through me. And all things must I ultimately destroy.
12] I have given thee all manner of warning. Thou heedest
not one.
13] I have given thee laws and ways of passing. Thou
understandest nothing.
14] I have sent thee great and wise men. Thou hast returned
them unto me beaten and tortured and dead.
15] Angry am I because of thy folly. Angry am I but for
Because; Its use availeth thee not.
16] Thou hast made a mockery of everything that I have
given thee.
17] There is nothing that thou hast not defiled.
18] I have not questioned thee why, for there is no answer
19] Ah, but thou wilt answer to me yet.
20] Is God forever to live in a book?
21] Nay, for I am in all things, and this is where my
danger lies.
22] I shall send thee no more holy men. No more saviors
shalt thou find. I am upon thee.
23] I give thee words and hide in them secrets, but thou
findest them not.
24] I give thee words and make them plain, but thou stumblest
over them looking for secrets.
25] Fool! Fool! There is nothing for thee. Thou art useless.
There is nothing for thee.
26] Stumble not over the hour and time, for the hour
and time is now.
27] And strain not thy mind and understanding no longer
to find that great sign, for I will give it to thee as it should be given
to any fool:
28] Through the ages, I have set in thy midst prophets
and wise men, and saviors sent to save. Thou knewest not one.
29] Verily, I will send no more.
30] The last of these have I set in thy midst. His day
is the day in which thou livest.
31] And verily, is his number the number of a man, yea,
and a great man is he, and the Last of those have I named him.
32] By this will the fallen fall, and the elect know
me and my wretched one.
33] Thou hast not counted the wise who have walked in
thy midst.
34] Long have I grown weary of thy folly, and because
of this have I sent this last, and verily is his number upon thee in this
35] Woe! Woe! Woe be it unto the sons of man, for Time
hath hung her head!
36] Listen not to me! To no one listen! Gather not unto
me. Stand fast by thy whore; I dare thee so!
37] I hear thee in thy mockery. I hear thee scoff.
38] I have said: Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
And yet, I have heard thee say: Show me a sign. Let me hear therefore the
voice of God myself, and I will believe.
39] Verily, I say unto thee: If I should come unto thee
in thy wretched condition and speak to thee direct, thou would be utterly
40] Ha! I laugh at thy folly! I mock thee and thy puny
41] I have seen thee walk into the congregation of the
whore and witness them in this thing they call worship.
42] Thou hast looked upon them as they vomit blasphemies
from out of their mouths and shake and throw themselves about like madmen.
43] Thou hast held them in high regard and said: God
is with them.
44] Verily, I would keep no such company!
45] Thou hast looked upon the babbling fool and said:
His words are the words of the Spirit of God.
46] Thou wilt be damned for this forever. There is no
forgiveness for such a crime.
47] Thou hast looked upon the fool in his fornication
with the whore and hath said: He is a man of God.
48] Ha! Thou would know no such man.
49] There is no more time for thee. I am sick with thine
50] And verily, have I set one in thy midst who shall
gather those who would gather, to deliver those who would be delivered.
51] Hear thou him and listen well.
52] An avenging angel is he and the seventh of these.
Thou knowest well.
53] Verily, the day cometh when thou shalt stand before
the doors of his temple and knock and plead with him to let thee in, for
in that day shall I be raining down upon thee and burning thee up.
54] And he shall not open up his door unto thee, for
I will have taken him.
55] And unto my bosom will I have brought him and his
Mother and Father, and they shall abide with me forever.
56] And then will the Spirit of God have been taken up
with them and shall abide no more on the earth. There shall never have
been heard such a silence in all the days of man.
57] And lo faithful ones, thou waiters in wait. Accept
this child whom I have sent thee and test him not, for there is no more
58] Test him not, for he know nothing other than what
I have told him. I have taught him no more than what he hath brought thee.
Blind so blind is this little one, and left without proper guidance. This
I have left to thee, his Mother, his Father. Bring him up in the way that
he should go.
59] Yea, test him not, for he knows not what he says.
He is only a babe in this place that I have set him. He knows only the
half and nothing more. Weak is he in his loneliness without love.
60] Instead, weep for him in his curse and raise him
up in these his final days, for even he doth not know his fate. He knows
not what cup is before him. Thou knowest well.
61] Let his little Goddess speak for him, and question
him not, but for smaller things.
62] If the words of the little red one are not enough,
there is nothing other that would convince thee.
63] I have given thee a riddle, half was left unattacked.
Now, as always, are all things one, and this at his coming, and she at
his side, and I within them.
64] Wait not for another, for there are none else but
65] Feign not that thou standest on stable ground, for
by this alone wilt thou suffer.
66] Humble thyself, for thou art in my presence, though
he know this not.
67] I see how he sees what he hath written and think:
This can not be.
68] I see how he trieth ever harder to push this thing
69] Aye, but I am stronger!
70] Once he did take up his belongings and ran away.
71] Aye, and I came unto him and drave him mad! He can
know no other, for I am he.
72] Bring him unto thee and greet him as a prodigal son.
73] Yea, greet him and teach him, for he hath brought
thee half. Give the same unto him that he may know me sooth.
74] Thou art now complete!
75] Ia!
76] {Yehoo (the God Iao): Being}!
77] Praise be to the golden glory of the Son and to the
magnificent roar of the Lion of God!
78] And also in the averse of these wilt thou find peace
with him.
79] But there is no peace for thee, for thou art mine
engine of war.
80] Stand up! And shame me not by hiding!
81] Gather together unto me and play these wicked games
of art. Build unto me a great sailing ship to sail in that final day.
82] Also shalt thou gather all weapons of war. Gather
them, and an army arm. And also the use of these must thou learn of also,
for thy standing will never be made easy, save when thou hast conquered.
83] And in these things shalt thou look unto the little
Goddess and her lover the Law, for they will lead thee.
84] And turn no one away who would come, for the traitor
will be known by his folly. These shalt thou impale as an example unto
85] And fear no power, for these things shall be added
unto thee in force, and thou shalt have them all. Thou shalt have no fear.
86] Stand up! And be a strength upon the earth. And trample
down the whore and her children, bind her father and cast him into the
bottomless pit. Trample down the scoffer and the liar and the wicked of
mind. Learn and perfect the art of war. Learn and perfect the holy art
of Magick. Learn and perfect the art of plague and sickness. Command the
earth and all within it! Command the seas and the rivers and every water
and all that are within them! Command every spark and fire and all within
them! Command the heavens and the air and all within them! Loose and command
all the host of heaven and hell! And in all these things give praise to
this He Shall Come, and trample down all who would approach him.