The Book of Life: The Last Testament is a book consisting of fourteen constituent books, that are definitely full of mystery and intrigue. It was written from visions that the author had over a three and a half year period. The book of Life is a direct result of having "Conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel." The purpose of The Book of Life is to be the first Bible written exclusively for the Occultist. It is something that he or she may call their own. The traditional Judeo Christian Bible is something which gave both Judaism and Christianity structure. It was something which bonded both Jews together with one another and later brought Christians together into one thinking mind likewise. The traditional Bible is now bringing both religions, long thought to be hopelessly and forever separated, into one community, the Judeo-messianic movement. Now, with all of the Holy books having already been claimed by one religion or another, Occultists are left to cross over into everyone else's territory, being left with no one book which we may all call ours and only ours.
This is the purpose of The Book of Life, to be a center point about which all Occultists revolve - an axle on the wheel of Secret Knowledge - that thing which introduces a bond between all those who are of a like mind.
Now, upon reading The Book of Life, Wiccans will be concerned that the Goddess, as they know her, is not detectable within this book. But she is. The Goddess appears within The Book of Life in her youth (representing the birth of an old religious faith and practice, which is new to the world as another widely accepted religion which is destined to replace the old) in the first books of The Book of Life, then in her adulthood in the final books. Actually, she makes more than just appearances; She is the Spirit of the entire Book. In spite of the fact that the reader will notice that the God is mentioned so much in this Book, it is the Goddess who has the strongest influence over, not only the identity of the Work itself, but most importantly, the destiny of mankind. The reality is, is that the persona of the Goddess is a dominating factor throughout the entire book, from the ankh on the front cover, on to the last page. In the Book of Insania, she appears as the youthful child afflicted and inflicted by a vengeful people, then disappears for a while, only to return again in all her glory as the adult Goddess, now carrying the savior of the world in her belly. It is interesting to notice how in The Book of Life, both the God and the Goddess are in a struggle with a dominating force in the world, yet it is the Goddess who is at the forefront of the fight. The reader also will notice that there are two women mentioned quite often in The Book of Life. One is wicked and the other is pure. Both attempt to embrace the mortal; It is up to him or her alone to figure out which is the right choice, to decide which he or she will stand fast beside to protect.
Another thing that may concern those of different religious structures, is that some of the terms used in The Book of Life, particularly those used in Ritual, are, plain and simple, largely Jewish in origin. Also, the Rituals described in the Book of Magick, and others throughout The Book of Life, may seem to have a structure foreign to some other religious systems and that the Divine names associated therewith may seem non-conforming to some of those same systems. In this, it must be understood that the writer of The Book of Life was left with the impression, while writing the book, that the structure of these Rituals are true, and the characters of the Names incorporated are truly Holy, highly symbolic, and each definite representatives of the many natures of the Divine, and that each are peculiar Keys thereof. It is hoped that the reader will not prejudice him/herself because of this, but will instead embrace the possibility that these may, in fact, be sacred symbols, much the same way as Runes are thought by many to be symbolic of Divine nature, regardless of both the users background and the background of the Runes themselves. If one is able to forget that these characters are now being claimed by another religion today, and instead focus on their appearance and form, there is no question that he or she will discover that the characters of the Hebrew language may be among the most beautiful and mysterious the world has ever known.
Though it is true that the Book of Life is available in a bound version for a price, it is my personal belief that all books thought to be Holy should always also be available to those who may not be able to afford them. That is why the complete version of The Book of Life is being made available for free on the Web permanently. It is my hope that if this book is something someone has been searching for, they will be able to find their way here and receive it. Auriel and I both agree wholly.
And finally, it is said that no prophet is accepted in their own time,
and neither are the things which he or she may have to offer. People just
don't like change or anything that may seem different than the norm; It's
our nature. I suppose a Bible, equivalent in size to the New Testament,
and dedicated solely to Occultists, is a far cry from normal. But that
is the great thing about being a free thinking human - we each can make
our own decisions. May we all make the right ones.
Soror S.S.